How Will a College Experience Affect Your Life?

It's totally possible to party without the college experience

What do you really expect to get out of a college experience? Do you really need college to be successful? It’s pretty strange that even though there is so much information about student debt and how bad colleges can be, college is still in the forefront of many young adult… Continue reading

6 Paths other than College to Be Educated

Paths other than college

Personally, I don’t believe starting your “adult” life by going into student loan debt is a good thing in any measure. If you don’t have scholarships and can’t afford it, avoid college until you can. Believe it or not, there are plenty of paths other than college. While in high… Continue reading

Why Is There REALLY a Student Loan Debt Problem?

The Student Loan Debt Problem

The student loan debt problem is really only here because we want it to be here. Why do we want this problem? Continue reading

In the Heights – Are People Dumber than the Movie?

In the Heights

I mean, when has anyone danced on the side of a building in real life? Shouldn’t that just negate any expectations of reality you have of a movie? Continue reading

List of My Experiences at AILV – The Art Institute of Las Vegas

Is College Worth It? Definitely not most of them!

Even though many of these were posted in 2014, they will give you an idea what to look for if you are interested in The Art Institute of Las Vegas or any higher education institution.  Essentially, all I’m asking is that you take a really good look at where you… Continue reading

The Art Institute of Las Vegas – Now Non-Profit, Still the Same Price

Is College Worth It? Definitely not most of them!

You can visit The Art Institute of Las Vegas’s website and learn that they are now non-profit!  You can learn this because they bolster it on their website. Does this mean a better education? Better equipment? Better instruction?  I honestly can’t tell you, although a non-profit college is suppose to… Continue reading

The Art Institute of Las Vegas (or college in general): Internships

Is College Worth It? Definitely not most of them!

The idea of college is swell.  The execution is hilarious. Basically, you pay to go somewhere to be taught a career.  Then, you are expected to get internships, most of which you are not paid to do.  You are paying to work for free.  Then, after all of that, you… Continue reading