Life of Loaf

One way I believe I can Assist is to share my life experience. Below, you can read about job/career experience! Hopefully you can learn from the good and bad of mine!

One of the biggest things we try to figure out in life is what to actually do with our lives. Life experience can teach you a lot. If you ask me, college isn’t the way to go in your late teens. Many people don’t even do what they got their degree in!

Oh It's on with Juan and Sean Episode 11 Newslike #3

A good place to listen to some of my life experiences would be on one of my podcasts, “Oh! It’s on! With Juan and Sean.” Visit the posts of episodes here or subscribe to the YouTube channel!

School Isn’t Nearly as Valuable as Experience

I truly believe experience is the mother of all teachers. It boggles my mind that we encourage so much schooling when the extreme vast majority of us retain so little of what we are taught. Kids don’t want to sit in classrooms for hours on end.

If you ask me, if we keep the public school system, it should only be a couple years of teaching the basics of English, math, and science.

I learned so much more making videos on my pro wrestling YouTube channel than I did in school.

An empty classroom is a great class room in the vast majority of cases.
If they just gave each kid those computers and taught online, we wouldn’t need multi-million dollar buildings. Image from Storyblocks.

Public schooling is a huge waste of resources and the teacher is the government. It’s a perfect system for the government to retain control of the public. This video does a good job at showing how archaic school is!

Below, you can read about my life experience.  Hopefully you can learn from the good and bad of mine!

But What about Social Abilities?

This is a question I often thought about. It was the main thing that was stopping me from going full-on anti-public schooling.

The answer to this came like an RKO.

I was in the Midwest shooting some videos with some cowboys. We went to a tavern for some chicken wings, and they started talking about how one of their kids got “Title 9’d” out of school.

The father brought up that he isn’t worried about his kid getting social experience because of the activities the kid does. The main one was through rodeo, but that opened my eyes.

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