How Will a College Experience Affect Your Life?

It's totally possible to party without the college experience

What do you really expect to get out of a college experience? Do you really need college to be successful? It’s pretty strange that even though there is so much information about student debt and how bad colleges can be, college is still in the forefront of many young adult… Continue reading

6 Paths other than College to Be Educated

Paths other than college

Personally, I don’t believe starting your “adult” life by going into student loan debt is a good thing in any measure. If you don’t have scholarships and can’t afford it, avoid college until you can. Believe it or not, there are plenty of paths other than college. While in high… Continue reading

The Art Institute of Las Vegas (or college in general): Internships

Is College Worth It? Definitely not most of them!

The idea of college is swell.  The execution is hilarious. Basically, you pay to go somewhere to be taught a career.  Then, you are expected to get internships, most of which you are not paid to do.  You are paying to work for free.  Then, after all of that, you… Continue reading

The Art Institute of Las Vegas Reviews: General Education Courses

Is College Worth It? Definitely not most of them!

Where do I go with the Gen Eds?  I sure don’t go far, that’s for sure. This is an art school, so of course the majority of general education classes offered are art related.  They were tossed in mostly with Anthropology, Psychology, Sociology, a random Spanish or French level 1 course tossed… Continue reading

The Art Institute of Las Vegas Reviews: Student Mentors

Is College Worth It? Definitely not most of them!

When I arrived at The Art Institute of Las Vegas, I received a Student Mentor.  The mentors are essentially guides for new students.  Ideally, the mentor is in the same field as the student so the mentor can help the student more effectively.However, I received a mentor that was in Graphic… Continue reading

The Art Institute of Las Vegas: Student Presentations

Is College Worth It? Definitely not most of them!

I’m going to preface this by stating that I’m probably going to upset some of my friends! The amount of time I have wasted sitting through trashy, nearly worthless student presentations is unacceptable.  Sometimes student presentations would literally crossover in to the following weeks’ classes because most of the instructors… Continue reading

The Art Institute of Las Vegas Reviews: “Helpful” Students

Is College Worth It? Definitely not most of them!

I am not sure if this is just local to Las Vegas, but boy howdy do students around here not really care for each other nearly as much as they should.As a film student, I generally had to check out many pieces of equipment – most of the time I didn’t have… Continue reading