Guy (Bad Employee) Looking at More Seductive Girl (Union)

I’m still kind of mad about having to quit a job earlier this year because the company I worked for valued an employee who was very well known to be a horrendous employee over me.  I let them know that if that employee is going to stay, then I have to go.  They decided to let me go.

And why couldn’t they just get rid of him?  My guess is that it had to do with the fact that we became unionized.  Here’s what I think about the situation:

See, unfortunately, the business is in a relationship with bad employees.  Bad employees can be really good talkers during the interview, but end up being lazy pieces of trash.  Perhaps at one point in history, a business could get rid of bad employees easily.

However, it’s not history anymore, as unions have shaken their “goods” in front of bad employees.  No longer do bad employees have to worry about getting fired because they are lazy hypocrites.  They can now be lazy hypocrites and get away with it.

I thought it was girls that were attracted to bad boys, not the other way around!

Here I am in a good relationship with businesses.  However, businesses have a tendency to want to keep bad employees around because they make them feel nice.  Maybe “Bad” stands for “Brown-Nosing Adult of Doom.”  However, not all bad employees are brown-nosers.  Unfortunately more, unions can even keep them around because they want their dues.

In the end, good employees worthless because bad employees’/unions’/businesses’ relationships win.  A good employee can’t get anything more than a bad employee because then it isn’t “fair” to the bad employee.

Also, mind you, my job was a super easy one.  Why did I need a whole organization to decide what was best for me and my mundane, simple, straight forward, painless, basic, uncomplicated, piece of cake job?  Why did the easiest job I’ve ever had (the second easiest job required me to do a little math in my head) require a union?  Why?

Dr. Tom Woods on Unions:

Oh well.  Makes one wonder why one should even be a good employee, eh?

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