The Art Institute of Las Vegas Reviews: General Education Courses

Where do I go with the Gen Eds?  I sure don’t go far, that’s for sure.

This is an art school, so of course the majority of general education classes offered are art related.  They were tossed in mostly with Anthropology, Psychology, Sociology, a random Spanish or French level 1 course tossed in every so often and a few other classes.  For a couple years I asked when Economics was going to be offered, and it never was.

They do try to cover up the shortfall of a varied general education selection with the fact that you can take pretty much any of them online.  You can see what I have to say about online classes about the previous sentence.

One thing that really got me pumped for college were all the stories from my friends who took cool classes in college, like bowling.  I wouldn’t have taken many of them (2 max), but it would have been fun.  Unfortunately, the Art Institute of Las Vegas never offered anything fun.  If all of the general education classes I took were extremely well put together and I didn’t waste any time in them, I probably wouldn’t be regretting not having any fun.  However, this is not the case.

There are plenty of pro-college people out there who claim college should be a place of exploration and fun.  You don’t get that much of either at The Art Institute of Las Vegas.  I only wonder why someone would pay so much money to explore and have fun.  I can do both of those things without having to pay anyone anything.

The biggest mistake I made was looking at The Art Institute like a college.  It is very much a business.  The sad part is that my high school was harder.

List of all the posts I have about my experiences at AILV

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