Cry Macho’s Mom Is Dumb Sometimes!

Then 90 year old Clint Eastwood took on the responsibility of directing, producing and even starring in Cry Macho. What a workaholic!! Continue reading
Then 90 year old Clint Eastwood took on the responsibility of directing, producing and even starring in Cry Macho. What a workaholic!! Continue reading
Are you wondering if you should watch Mortal Kombat at home or in the theater? Uh, see it in the theater, even though it can be dumb!! 😉 Continue reading
The Girl Who Believes In Miracles gets somewhat of a pass since its not a big time Hollywood film, but it is dumb sometimes! Continue reading
If you’re wondering if you have proper movie theater etiquette, you probably need to read this list of proper theater etiquette 😉 Continue reading
If there is one thing that is incredibly dumb, its the security in Godzilla Vs. Kong. Where is all the security? Continue reading
Nobody was an absolute blast to watch in the theater. It was dumb sometimes, but it was great most of the time! Continue reading
Even though many of these were posted in 2014, they will give you an idea what to look for if you are interested in The Art Institute of Las Vegas or any higher education institution. Essentially, all I’m asking is that you take a really good look at where you… Continue reading
You can visit The Art Institute of Las Vegas’s website and learn that they are now non-profit! You can learn this because they bolster it on their website. Does this mean a better education? Better equipment? Better instruction? I honestly can’t tell you, although a non-profit college is suppose to… Continue reading