List of 13 Favorite Funny YouTube Videos

Holy Fun!

There are literally billions of videos on YouTube. Over the years, I’ve seen some very funny videos on there. There are some videos that I have watched numerous times and they always give me a laugh. This is a list of 13 videos that aren’t from network television or from any… Continue reading

The Best Tweets from NXT Takeover: New Orleans

Wrestling with The Raw Loaf

Since I’m not reviewing WrestleMania this year, I thought I’d do some blog posts with some of the best tweets!  By best, I mean ones that made me laugh or were creative!  Here we have the best tweets for #NXTTakeOverNoLa, because #NXTTakeOverNewOrleans was just too long! If you want to… Continue reading

A Thank You for Marco’s Pizza!

Today, I received a mailer coupon for a pizza from Marco’s Pizza.  I’m still fat, so I thought it would be OK to have some pizza.  I made my order online. I got to Marco’s the minute it the tracker said it was finished. XL Cheese Pizza from Marco’s Pizza.… Continue reading

Wacom Bamboo Tablet CTH-670 – Pen Not Working and Tablet Not Showing Up Under Wacom Properties

Assist and volunteer

Wacom Tablets (or any other tablet I’m sure) are great tools for those who do a lot of work in Photoshop or other photo editing software.  If you do a lot of editing, I highly suggest one.  Wacom is the premiere brand, but Amazon’s Best Seller is currently under $25! … Continue reading

The Art Institute of Las Vegas – Film Student Woes

Is College Worth It? Definitely not most of them!

**I know this post comes off a little whiny – and it is.  I just feel those who want to go to school for film at The Art Institute of Las Vegas (and possibly other schools with film degrees) should know what they are getting in to.** Simply put: Film students have… Continue reading

List of My Experiences at AILV – The Art Institute of Las Vegas

Is College Worth It? Definitely not most of them!

Even though many of these were posted in 2014, they will give you an idea what to look for if you are interested in The Art Institute of Las Vegas or any higher education institution.  Essentially, all I’m asking is that you take a really good look at where you… Continue reading

The Art Institute of Las Vegas – Now Non-Profit, Still the Same Price

Is College Worth It? Definitely not most of them!

You can visit The Art Institute of Las Vegas’s website and learn that they are now non-profit!  You can learn this because they bolster it on their website. Does this mean a better education? Better equipment? Better instruction?  I honestly can’t tell you, although a non-profit college is suppose to… Continue reading