Here is a screen capture of my report card for my last 2.5 years at The Art Institute of Las Vegas:

(Maybe I might be doing alright in school? Maybe good enough to graduate?)
It says my GPA is 4.0. How can this be if I have a B+ and three A-‘s? To my knowledge, that clearly isn’t a 4.0.
What is surprising here is that I am more than likely going to fail a class I am in currently. This is because pretty much ALL of my video projects I have shot aren’t good enough for graduation. I have received 85% or better on nearly all of my projects.
Why am I getting such good grades only to find out that I have to pretty much redo or create all new projects in my last quarter?
If you notice, one class I am in this quarter is Advanced Camera and Lighting. This is a class I should have taken at least a year ago, but I don’t know how much it would have mattered because a different teacher would have been teaching it and it would have been an entirely different lesson plan.
(This hallway represents my current feelings on The Art Institutes)
The previous class, Intermediate Camera, apparently didn’t teach me the things I needed to know to prepare for Advanced Camera and Lighting. If I would have taken Advanced Camera and Lighting way earlier, perhaps some of my projects would have come out graduation-worthy.
This is the standard for this school.
List of all the posts I have about my experiences at AILV
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