Countdown Movie Review

The first episode of Movies Are Dumb Sometimes reviews Countdown. This movie ponders what life would be like if an app could tell you when you’re going to die! This movie actually inspired me to start this YouTube channel!

I became tired of Hollywood and movies with a budget of more than $50,000 making terrible story mistakes, ha!

Did this movie feel like it was attacking the white male patriarchy to you?

Almost Accurate Transcription

if you have been waiting for a movie to tell you what life would be like if there was an app that was going to tell you when you were going to die, countdown that timer no further! Check out the movie “Countdown!”

This movie is a horror movie, you know, that it was gonna be not that well thought out. Most horrors, for whatever reason, don’t get the same treatment and I love horror movies.  It’s not fair to me that horror movies have to be treated with such like low-class.  They have such potential to me, but they’re always treated like the redheaded stepchild of the movie industry and it sucks!

But what I noticed about this movie is there’s a huge hole in the story. But first the thing that kind of popped out at me like halfway through the movie – this movie was created to show white men…I’m not full like white man, but it when it’s something is just so obviously there I feel like it has to be mentioned.

Your head actor – your main character – is a female, a gorgeous female.  Her best friend…they become friends because they both find out about this app and how it’s real.

This is a black man. He’s a handsome black man.

And then you got your three next supporting characters…three kind of they meet along the way.

Well, she’s a nurse or she’s going to be a nurse and her boss-boss doctor, I’m not sure how the medical field works. But he is basically a sexual predator, kind of like a rapist. He tries to like get her to give him what he wants because he wrote her a letter of recommendation.

This is a white man by the way. A middle-aged white man and who’s gonna live for like fifty years plus so he’s gonna get to be old and that’s not fair!

Then next up we run into I believe it was the priest of played by a PJ Byrne.

He is the nerdiest priest I’ve ever seen in my life and he’s made out to be looking like a total fool. It’s like is this guy really a priest? Like why would like why didn’t….I don’t know…they tried justified in the movie but I like this guy’s too goofy if the thing I didn’t like about him was they came to him.

They said, “Hey we got this app. It’s killing people cuz the timer.”

He goes, “Oh! I think I might know what’s why it’s doing that,” and then he’s like, “Well, if you can get into the code then we might be able to figure out how to fix this.”

They go, “Okay,”

Then the priest goes “I’m gonna go to bed.”

Like he was super excited about this he’s finally like this was his calling was for something like this. He’s been waiting his whole life for this to come along. Something comes along and then he goes, “I need to go to bed.”

That was dumb.  I mean it was written and directed by the same guy. I get it. You have things that like you don’t want to cut or you don’t want to change for whatever reason…that’s why you have an editor, that’s why you have producer. So yeah ideally all the stupid stuff gets cut out but not in this case!

They have the priest guy, who’s a white nerdy male whose whole life is dedicated to finding the devil or doing something along that line and he gets his chance and he goes, “I’m gonna go to bed.” and I know that’s like the third time I said it now, but how bad!

Like that character made no sense and it made me not want to believe in this film. But he was a nerdy looking dude who was dumb basically and so you got two white supporting males. One’s a sexual predator and one is an idiot and then the third one you get another complete idiot but this guy is a total creep. Tom Segura plays a smart geeky dude who works at an electronics shop and he’s fixing people’s phones and he’s just creepy.

He’s lazy and he has bad customer service. And then at the end of the movie you get a post-credits scene where he’s being a total jerk and he also gets to live for another forty years.

Lke this movie has so much subtext about white men. (They) are so lucky they’re white men and I’m not here to commentate on that but when something is thrown in your face so blindly when the movie is not about that, it really takes away from the movie.

Another thing I’d like to bring up in this movie that I thought was a giant plot loophole was the fact that the priest who comes up with a story about what he thinks is going on.  He says if that app is off by one second, the demon is like destroyed…can’t lie or something like that like if you don’t die on the second night you’re supposed to die, if you live for just one second longer then the app the curse will be basically broken and everybody’s free. And that told me “Oh well. So if that’s when you’re supposed to die, what’s the point of having any fear of anything up until that second of death?”

Throughout the whole movie, once they’ve come to this realization, everybody’s freaking out that they’re gonna die and they’re screaming and it’s just like if you were gonna die, you’re gonna die on that moment.

So for you to freak out, for you to panic over possibly dying or dying earlier than that it would break the curse and everybody be set free. So you kind of, in a way, should be happy if you’re gonna die or he’s gonna consume you before your moment of death.  But no! Everybody is “oh my god! This demon’s after me! I’m dead! Oh my god! I hate my life! Ah!”

You have nothing to fear cuz you’re not gonna die, so why are you afraid?

Thank you for watching Movies Are Dumb Sometimes where we talked about “Countdown” today

Did you also think these plot holes and the subtext was a little bit too much?

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