Sydney Lake from “Malignant” Is SO DUMB!

Every movie has its dumb moments and people, but Malignant’s Sydney Lake is one of the worst in horror movies! Continue reading
Every movie has its dumb moments and people, but Malignant’s Sydney Lake is one of the worst in horror movies! Continue reading
Then 90 year old Clint Eastwood took on the responsibility of directing, producing and even starring in Cry Macho. What a workaholic!! Continue reading
Sequels can get annoying. There’s so much to remember from the previous films, and it doesn’t help if they are years and years apart! The first Conjuring came out in 2013. That’s not really that long ago considering how many movies have spawned from it. Horror – gotta love how they can pump movies in that genre! Continue reading
In this episode of Movies Are Dumb Sometimes, you get a mix of two movies that really don’t belong together – Spirit Untamed and Fast and Furious 9. Well, maybe they can go together – both are a form of action and contain a lot of speed! However, one could say they are directed towards two totally different audiences. Or maybe just the same audience – 10 year old boys! Continue reading
I mean, when has anyone danced on the side of a building in real life? Shouldn’t that just negate any expectations of reality you have of a movie? Continue reading
It took its time, but A Quiet Place Part 2 finally came out, but not after trailer burnout! The performances were great from the cast all around, the story was fine, but of course, movies have to be dumb sometimes! Listen to the podcast today or check out the transcription below! Or skip to the bottom to find other ways to find MADS! Continue reading
Oh, Cruella, what a punk rock movie you were, especially for Disney, but that doesn’t make you dumb sometimes 😉 Continue reading
Well, this was fun! I thought it would be fun to try to catch up on the podcast with a three-fer of The Unholy, Silo, and Scoob! Continue reading
You need to see Those Who Wish Me Dead. In the theaters. It’s been a gem for this year, and we need more movies like it! Continue reading
Are you wondering if you should watch Mortal Kombat at home or in the theater? Uh, see it in the theater, even though it can be dumb!! 😉 Continue reading