I was just on Twitter and I thought to myself, “Who is even using the term ‘Chicken Hawk'” nowadays? Unfortunately, Twitter user @ChickenHawk_2 and a few others tweet a lot, so there was a lot to sift through!
Starting off with a Big Chicken Hawk Bang
https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js@mtgreenee Chickenhawk Hannity. He’s always been willing to root from the sidelines but never willing to stick out his own neck. He wouldn’t want to jeopardize his phony-baloney job and his $$$. Jackass.
— Mark A (@MarkA73205263) May 17, 2021
Sean Hannity. What a glorious Chicken Hawk. I’ve only seen a couple clips of him not behind the safety of his news desk, but none of those times were in a warzone. Oops.
https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.jsJohn McCain was a war hero. He had more bravery in his pinky than Cadet Chickenhawk J Bonespurs has in his entire bloated body! pic.twitter.com/HgZRL3GgK5
— doubting-tom (@TomDoubting) May 17, 2021
It’s true. John McCain was a Prisoner of War. Just because he was a Prisoner of War doesn’t mean he can’t be a Chicken Hawk.
Just one quick search shows us in 2007, McCain supported President George W. Bush’s surge into Iraq.
So, how does John McCain sleeping in his safe been stateside while thousands of more troops are sent to war not the actions of a Chicken Hawk?
Unfortunately, this wasn’t the only “John McCain wasn’t a Chicken Hawk” tweet in the last 24 hours :\
https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.jsJohn McCain refused #POW early release North Vietnam offered him b/c of who he was. Lying deceitful chickenhawk Donald Trump skipped the war b/c of who he was. #Character #Integrity #SundayThoughts
— Andy Fox for a happy, safe, better world! (@factandrumor) May 17, 2021
We always come across Trump, no matter what we do. It’s amazing to me how many people want to just trash past presidents when the current president can’t figure something out. Instead of focusing and working, Chicken Hawks and politicians would much rather just try to blame others. Point:
https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.jsA true chicken hawk. Bone spurs and VD, right?
— NancyB(@nbrockway1) May 17, 2021
I happily asked Ms. @nbrockway1 if by calling Trump a “true chicken hawk,” does she mean that all of his opposition weren’t Chicken Hawks? Let’s hope she responds!
When I read the following tweet, I wonder if people realize that they support Chicken Hawks.
https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js“Cheney is a hawk. She believes in standing up to tyrants” CORRECTION, Liz Cheney like her father (& Trump) is a CHICKENHAWK. She never met a war she didn’t like & to this day defends the war in Iraq. It’s a sad f*cking day when a person like her is the ethical high ground. pic.twitter.com/3sPoKX2wEf
— KnoBodeeUno (@uno_kno) May 16, 2021
Does @Uno_kno realize that almost every president was a Chicken Hawk? They don’t care about red or blue. They only care about money! And winning, actually. If a Chicken Hawk doesn’t win, then the Chicken Hawk looks incredibly pathetic!
But after just a little bit of scrolling, I ran into this gem:
https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.jsYeah, war mongers have no choice but to kill children. I can see why the US right-wing and Israeli right-wing see things eye to eye. Say bomb them into peace and call yourself a centrist when your nothing but a chickenhawk.
— NeverOddOreveN (@oreve_n) May 15, 2021
“You’re nothing but a Chicken Hawk.”
That’s bold. That’s strong. It insinuates that there is nothing lower than a Chicken Hawk. I love it.
Sounds like a merchandising opportunity!
Support the Hawk Bawk
Why can’t these Twitter people just let me have an easy life?!?!?!
https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.jsYou’re making my hunt for warmongers not very fair!!!
— The Hawk Bawk (@TheHawkBawk) May 17, 2021
If you found “You’re Nothing But a Chicken Hawk” helpful, please further support at The Coop!
I also wrote about Chicken Hawks during the insurrection on January 6th. It’s easy for everyone to point out the Chicken Hawk Republicans during war time, but I made sure the Democratic Congresspeople had their share for their bawking after January 6th, 2021!
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