The Way Television Is (was) Going! WWE Network, Netflix, Amazon, Hulu!

Below is a post I wrote back in 2014.  Sometimes it’s fun to go back and read old stuff you wrote to see just how wrong/right you were!  Although Netflix still hasn’t taken the jump to live broadcasting, Hulu has live TV, but still no live broadcast of their own productions.

I look back on this article and see my idea about how WWE Network could be much better if they were able to get a hold of old people.  This probably should’ve been one of their primary actions.  I had a couple neighbors at an old apartment that would’ve LOVED to have the WWE Network.  They loved pro wrestling and having an easy interface for them to watch their old favorite wrestling videos would’ve made them the happiest people on earth.  Perhaps this is a venture I can do if WWE would give me an affiliate commission (I would prefer to do this service via internet marketing than going door to door).

A lot of people don’t seem to care for live broadcasts nowadays, but it is much more intriguing to me.  I suppose I live more for the moment – you either get it or you don’t when it is live.  I feel that if one goes out of the way to catch a broadcast live, it means more.  I guess it’s the same way if someone writes me a letter over an email or a comment/tweet.

This is an interesting step for Netflix…doing a late night talk show.  They are already producing their own content in the form of TV shows and movies.  There are no plans for it to be broadcast live, however, but Netflix looks to be taking steps to becoming a television network.  I wouldn’t be surprised if they have plans to make their own news show (hopefully unbiased!).  This could lead to people cancelling their cable subscriptions and going Netflix-only, as Netflix and other internet based streaming companies are taking a lot of business from traditional cable and satellite.

When looking into a television and/or movie career, it is always best to look forward (as it is in any career).  When television was invented, the movie studios made the mistake of paying it no attention.  When the VCR was invented, the movie studios never looked at the possible impact that the VCR would make.  Hopefully they aren’t doing the same with online streaming!

Then again, the WWE Network has taken its own step and created its own online channel with 24/7 programming and thousands of hours of on demand content.  It hasn’t performed as well as the company (or myself) would have liked, as far as subscribers go.  There are two reasons for this:

1)  Their possible biggest investors into the Network – old people – just don’t have a grasp on the information it would take to get the WWE Network set up in their homes.  Old people are some of the biggest wrestling fans out there, and if they got the chance to check out even 1% of what was available to them on the Network, they’d be hooked for the rest of their lives.

2)  The two premiere shows – WWE RAW and Smackdown – are still television-only.  According to Business Insider, WWE resigned with NBCUniversal to keep those shows on television.  In the last 8 years when I have had cable, I really only got it for pro wrestling.

It is extremely unfortunate the Network has been under-performing – Their content is awesome and they do a handful of live programming.  Since it was only an option for America at the start and because I know a lot of wrestling fans are cheap and won’t pay for the Network because they don’t like what the WWE is doing at the current time, of course the numbers are down.  Maybe I just had too much faith in people’s love for pro wrestling.

Article that spurred this post:

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