Was Trump Right about Soldiers? Does Biden Agree?

Recently, Chicken Hawks President Donald Trump and Democratic Presidential Nominee Joe Biden have had a huge war of words. This war of words has been over what Trump has allegedly said about soldiers. If it was said…was Trump right about soldiers?

If you know The Hawk Bawk at all, you know neither candidate is a popular one here. Both are Chicken Hawks. Nothing else needs to be said.

However, if you are going to call a Chicken Hawk out for being a Chicken Hawk, you can at least put your name on it. If you read the original article from The Atlantic, the only person’s name that is included is John Kelly. Mr. Kelly understands the comment made at his son’s grave was a negative one now, but didn’t want to make a comment on that article.

One thing that a consumer should be wary about on any article, podcast, news show, etc., is the use of “anonymous” sources. The Atlantic article is chocked full of anonymous sources. The author, Jeffery Goldberg, knows a lot of people who can’t/won’t be named.

Remember, this isn’t in defense of Trump. This is looking at what is considered journalism.

Wait though…Was Trump Wrong? The Loser Take

Technically speaking, Trump isn’t wrong in calling dead soldiers “losers” (given that he meant they died in battle). They lost the fight. Trump isn’t as wrong as everyone says he is.

The financial stance Trump supposedly is that soldiers are losers because there is no financial benefit in military service for them. He’s pretty wrong in that fact.

To be sure, servicemembers aren’t paid enough for what they do. They are killing and dying for Chicken Hawks. However, they are provided housing, three meals a day, health care for the family, their work uniforms, and almost all necessary equipment to perform their duties, all in addition to their pay.

As long as soldiers don’t do anything too stupid (unfortunately, this happens a lot), all the financial stresses of a civilian life simply do not exist for a soldier.

The Sucker Take

soldiers suckers
Who looks like the biggest sucker? Granted, a lot of the government is composed of Chicken Hawks.

Sucker, by definition from Merriam-Webster:

5a: a person easily cheated or deceived

Are servicemembers cheated or deceived? This is where it can go pretty deep. The lingering question remains…was Trump right about soldiers?

First off, because civilians join the military to kill and die, the Chicken Hawks don’t have to kill or die. A good portion of Chicken Hawks have never served in the military, nor have been in direct enemy territory every day. A Chicken Hawk thinks having a portion of his or her paycheck taken and saying, “thank you” is a fair trade.

Also, soldiers also have a portion of their paycheck taken from them as well. So really, all a Chicken Hawk does is say, “thank you.”

Chicken Hawks sit back in their arm chairs and sleep in their safe, comfy beds while soldiers do the killing and dying of people they don’t even know.

Second, what is the main reason claimed that people serve in the U.S. Military? Service to country is the main reason, according Sage Journals. Service to what truth, though?

Government and the Truth

Freedom, liberty, and whatever else the Chicken Hawks believe they have are mostly smoke and mirrors. Most of them are taught by the U.S. government in the form of public schools. They allow the “patriotism” pushed on them by the news media and government soak into their emotions.

Think about it – Would the U.S. government, whose lifeblood (money) literally is forced from the citizens, want to tell you all the bad things it has done? Does it have an interest in telling you the truth if it is detrimental to its existence? Public schools are run by the government – a perfect way to educate the masses to support the government.

If you are Republican or Democrat, you most likely look at the other side with much discontent. Most likely, you look at half of the politicians and think they are scum, liars, and many other bad things. Essentially, there is a 50% chance you believe someone in a high position of power lies or acts coercively towards you.

For example, Abraham Lincoln is widely supported by almost everyone. However, Lincoln was more into tyranny than liberty. Theodore Roosevelt believed he could do whatever they wanted simply because they would be acting in the majority of the population. Just look at the numbers rise from Roosevelt’s use of Executive Orders.

The Hawk Bawk isn’t so blind. To be sure, opinions surely couldn’t exist in a more-free society. However, that’s what more people need to realize about living under the American government.

We are simply more-free. We aren’t free.

Does Joe Biden Agree – Was Trump Right about Soldiers??

Politicians should only deal in facts. When Joe Biden addressed the comments, he clarified, “…if the statements in the Atlantic are true…


Why is he commenting on a possible fact? This isn’t just a critique on Biden. This happens with politicians commonly.

Biden then goes on to say that his son, Beau Biden, received a Bronze Star for his service in Iraq. He says it with intensity, but why did he receive the Bronze Star?

Because Beau Biden went to Iraq. Military awards are handed out like candy with deployments. Rank generally dictates an award. No Privates or Specialists will get a Bronze Star for a deployment.

Most military awards given have no special meaning.

One big misconception Chicken Hawks make about military awards is that they are “won,” as seen in this Marie Claire article.

But what about Biden’s lie about an award in the Middle East? Does his lie verify that he thinks soldiers are suckers because he can use them to further his career?

Biden also claims the only “sacred” obligation is to support, equip, and support soldiers and their families. One can’t claim Trump already doesn’t do that with the $738,000,000,000 Defense Bill he signed last year.

A question for the Chicken Hawk – Could $738,000,000,000 be spent in a way to help America or the world grow? Biden also would increase this number if he were president. So, Biden wants to increase the money given to those who are doing the killing and dying.

So Who Are the Suckers?

Maybe we all are. What do you think? Was Trump right about soldiers?

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