VidPro Shotgun Microphone

Professional Advanced Broadcast Microphone and Accessories Bundle from VidPro

I was looking in to a shotgun mic and didn’t want to get a cheap one, but I didn’t need something ultra professional and this kit came with a lot of accessories I could use for a “real” shotgun mic some day.

VidPro Shotgun Microphone

VidPro Shotgun Microphone

The only items in the kit that I wouldn’t trust based on feel are the cables. Other than them, everything else feels fine!

[amazon_link asins=’B00O1LSRBS,B00093ESSI,B00030679K,B01LXHHR8N’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’bloafx-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’bcae0af3-e09d-11e8-9ae5-1d24c714c30c’]

The kit comes with

1 Shotgun Microphone
1 Shock Mount
1 Mic Clip
1 Hot Shoe Adapter
1 Dead Cat
1 Mic Cover
1 Battery
1 small cleaning kit
1 Pistol Grip
1 XLR Cable
1 XLR to Mic Jack Cable w/ 6.3mm adapter
1 Hard Case

The hard case is weird because I can’t get everything to fit in it nicely, but I’m sure everything came in it!

I took it out for a test run for you. Take a listen!

Final VidPro’s Shotgun Microphone Rating: 50 out of 69

Thank you for reading my review of VidPro’s Professional Advanced Broadcast Microphone and Accessories Bundle!! Check out some of my other reviews while you are here if you’d like, and don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe!


I am curious, though, why the only VidPro mention in the Amazon listing is about their cleaning kit.

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