Seven Magic Mountains, The Last Spike, and the Jean Dry Lake Bed – Vegas Objects

The Last Spike (sign), the Seven Magic Mountains, and Jean Dry Lake Bed all in one shot!

There are lots of Vegas Objects out there. I’ve lived in Vegas for years now, and there are so many things I still have yet to see. I figure maybe it’s time to start seeing them!

Just south of Las Vegas a few miles, there are three things I saw on Google Maps – Seven Magic Mountains, The Last Spike, and Jean Dry Lake Bed.

You can take the “scenic” route and just stay on Las Vegas Blvd as you head out of town, but you can also take I-15 to the Ranch Road exit and head South from there. Map it!

Seven Magic Mountains

I’ve lived a short drive from Seven Magic Mountains since it was finished, but never made the drive to see them. “What’s so special about some painted rocks?” I found myself pondering at first.

Next to The Last Spike sign, there is a big pile of branches and this pile/dead tree. I thought this picture depicts how as nature crumbles due to natural or man-made causes, human creations can be beautiful replacements.

That moment changed once I stepped on the path to the Seven Magic Mountais. They are big, impressive, free, and open to the public!

One drawback to Seven Magic Mountains is that there is nowhere to sit and relax. I believe this is by design so that people aren’t hanging out there all day.

Someone erected the Eighth Magic Mountain!

Still though, you could probably bring a blanket and hang out near the mountains. Make sure you stay vigilant of the poisonous snakes there though!

Seven Magic Mountains is definitely one of my favorite Vegas Objects.

Visit for more information!

The Last Spike

Little sign too far from the I-15 to probably read, but it still tells you the Last Spike is right in that area…somewhere!

You can walk just a few minutes to The Last Spike from the Seven Magic Mountains parking lot.

The Last Spike was a large disappointment! It is just a sign. I walked up and down the train tracks and didn’t see any markings of the last spike! I didn’t see any special marking anyway. If you have, let me know, I’d like to see the fabled Vegas Object!

The Last Spike, just south of Las Vegas, is not clearly marked – or in my search for it, not marked at all.

Still, though, it was a great feeling being on some train tracks outside of the city. I grew up in a small town in South Dakota, and it made me feel like a kid again!

Jean Dry Lake Bed

Until I saw this from Seven Magic Mountains, I didn’t even know it existed. The only dry lake bed I knew about that was accessible is the one southeast of Las Vegas.

About a 5-8 minute drive from the Seven Magic Mountains, it’s convenient because it has a solid road leading out to it. There are dirt/pebble paths for the last tenth of a mile or so, but a regular car can navigate to the lake bed.

When I went out there, there were only a handful of people on dirt bikes and ATV’s riding around. There were a couple campers with no one in sight of them.

I’m pretty sure the Jean Dry Lake Bed is not far enough from Las Vegas to give one a full view of the evening sky, but you’ll get a much better glimpse of it!

Informational signage when you turn off Las Vegas Blvd to head to the Jean Dry Lake Bed.

Also, there are mountain paths I’d love to explore!

Be Mindful of The Vegas Objects

The Seven Magic Mountains, The Last Spike, and the Jean Dry Lake Bed are all open to the public, free, and accessible. I would hope that if you do visit them, that you please be respectful and clean up after yourselves!

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Just a shot of the vast emptiness of the land south of Las Vegas.
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