Troops out of Germany, Chicken Hawks Bawk!

Announced by President Trump in early August, nearly twelve-thousand American Troops are being moved out of Germany and placed around Europe. With the US troops out of Germany, maybe the thought is that Germany will spend more on defense?

Why would they need to spend that money if we are? Whether or not you like Trump, this is a good move at getting some of the American troops home.

The first part of the previous sentence is great. Being that America is currently over $26,000,000,000,000 in debt (US Debt Clock) and it’s still climbing, it is wise to reduce our footprint in the world. Trump claims the move is due to Germany not paying their part for the US’s help, but defense officials say it’s to better strengthen defense in Europe.

So there’s that.

The second part of the opening sentence solves totally negates trying to save money. The Pentagon even said moving the 11,900 troops is going to cost billions.

The Cost of US Troops out of Germany

The Chicken Hawk is fine with the cost. Cost is no matter to the Chicken Hawk, so as long as we are strong or appear strong.

The Chicken Hawk doesn’t care for the $1,000,000,000’s (Defense Secretary Mark Esper assures it will stay in the single digits…because that’s a small amount of money) that will be spent moving American troops and their equipment to Belgium, Italy, and the U.S.

There is also the cost of time. Will the time and money spent create a significantly more amount of “protection” for the United States?

However, rotational forces do cost less to maintain. Hopefully, this removal of troops from Germany will go according to plan because the government never overpays for anything (sarcasm).

But then why weren’t rotational forces considered in the first place? U.S. troops out of Germany should’ve happened much sooner if it’s going to cut on spending of money the government has.

Most of the troops (6,400) will be back stateside. Some of them will do “rotational deployments” to Europe. There hasn’t been any word of the 12,000 civilians that support the United States military in Germany.

Chicken Hawks and a Central Power

The main question should be addressed.

Should one man have the power to make this kind of order?

According to the article, only “key members” of Congress were informed of the action on Germany. The plan will take months to plan, which could mean it could be overturned if a new administration wins this November.

It’s amazing that one person has enough power in America to cause such chaos. It also amazes me that Chicken Hawks are OK with it. As long as they can hide in their king sized beds, all is well!

This goes for both Democrats and Republicans. It’s strange that Chicken Hawks love the strong, powerful “leader,” but only if their form of power is being forced.

Force is force, regardless of who uses it.

Power is power, regardless of who wields it.

The main concern here seems to be protecting Europe from Russia. If it is that big of a deal, why don’t the Chicken Hawks do it? Is it because they are afraid of big Mother Russia and would sit on their recliners?

Just in case by some miraculous event happens and the US debt has been fixed, here’s a link to the U.S. debt in July 2020!

Bawk for The Hawk Bawk!

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