Settlement for United Passenger on Flight 3411

As reported from Reuters on, United has reached a settlement with the passenger dragged off the plane a couple weeks ago.  You can see a few of my thoughts on that incident here.

It turns out the man dragged from the plane is getting an “undisclosed sum” (a.k.a. way too much money) for the incident.  Worse yet, United has vowed to reduce overbookings.  This is bad news for me!  I have thrived many times in the past from overbookings!

However, United also claims it will give up to $10,000 in compensation.  In case you don’t understand that, that is $10k, or Ten Thousand Dollars, or $10,000.00, or ten one thousand dollars.  So basically United has turned from betting Red at the Roulette table to betting on the street.

Also, Southwest says it will stop overbooking flights.  This means I won’t be flying on Southwest because passengers are going to be extremely unreasonable when they can’t get on a flight because of delays.

I flew on Delta in early March 2018.  They have gone to the auctioning route.

This should make for interesting time when an overbooking does occur.  I can guarantee you, though, that when that offer gets up to $400, I’m gonna fall out of my seat in acceptance.

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