Trailer Park Boys Season 12 Review of Episodes 1 & 2

It finally arrived!  After waiting what felt like forever, Trailer Park Boys Season 12 finally launched on Netflix!

This is a heartbreaking season knowing that this is the last season that Jim Lahey (John Dunsworth) will appear.  Mr. Dunsworth did an AMAZING job portraying Jim, and his other acting roles.  Some government official in Nova Scotia even gave a speech about him at an official government session! (If someone can find the video, please let me know so I can post it here!)


So far, we enjoyed these episodes much more than most of the Netflix reboot of the series.  Please forgive us if we don’t get every fact right – we were pretty hammered, especially Handsome Filipe.

Some things we discus in this review:

  • Drone shots
  • The Shotgun Blast
  • What’s up with Trinity?
  • Ricky’s new house
  • Cory is black?
  • What is an alternative for Americans for Green Bastard Pale Ale?
  • Ricky and Julian’s new work.
  • Handsome Filipe tells a story in relation to Jacob’s broken neck and other drunk ramblings

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Download the podcast here:  Trailer Park Boys Season 12 Review Episodes 1 & 2.mp3


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