Trailer Park Boys Season 12 Episode 5 Review – WTF Did I Watch?

EPISODE 5 REVIEWED (kinda – the alcohol has kicked in)! I also decided it’s kind of pointless to censor the show because we’re talking about Trailer Park Boys.  What do you think?

We will be recording reviews for the last set of episodes soon.  Trust us, we’ve learned that maybe we should start drinking when we START watching the show, not 2 or 3 hours before hand!

Zane as a couple good jokes near the end for Juan!


Some things we discus in this review:

  • Who are the dumb ones of this season?
  • Jim and Randy get rich instantly – what would Handsome Filipe do?
  • Bubble’s Sleep Mask
  • STORY:  Handsome Filipe Hits On a Girl at the Bar
  • Bubble’s Birthday
  • Who Is Sarah?
  • Terrorism hits Sunnyvale!

Subscribe to the blog, follow me on Twitter, or Subscribe to the Youtube channel for notifications of when follow up reviews come up (I have decided each review will have it’s own blog post)!  Soon, you will be able to listen with your iTunes account or Stitcher!

Download the podcast here:  Trailer Park Boys Season 12 Review Episodes 5 Audio

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