Tomi Lahren and The Things She (Doesn’t) Says

(Too bad Trump didn’t have these TomiHawk missiles launched in Syria!)

Republican Diva Tomi Lahren is very popular among the conservative crowd!  There have been many times when people hear something she says, and they pretty much want to shoot their brains out.

But just how far would something have to be “said” by her before people start to question it?  I mean,
this is the internet, and we are told continuously to not believe everything we read on the internet.

We are told this, and then this happens:

(Look at all those Retweets!)

53 Retweets really isn’t much, but for me, it’s enough to #BuildThatWall!

I encourage you to share any of these you would like with your friends/enemies.  I have found that people on both ends of the conservative / liberal spectrum will believe the quotes all the same.  Have some fun!

Here are the quotes that I made up that some people actually thought were real!

This is one of my favorites.  No one questioned “Muslim Nation” or the fact that if Hitler would’ve been able to kill as efficiently as terrorists today.  One guy did say that he agreed with everything Tomi had to say in this quote except the “force freedom” part.  Gotta love public education!
This one starts off with straight ignorance, and ends with pure government-driven racist and fear.  But I guess maybe people are willing to accept the fact they haven’t walked a mile in her shoes, no matter how ridiculous the thing she “says” is.
Here is another one of my favorites.  She is basically saying that a third of the flag is supporting cops.  Then she goes on to say that they are here to protect us “from evil, whether they are black or not.”  So ridiculous, but so believable to some!
This quote got the biggest, most informative response of all of them. Check it out:
Someone really didn’t believe that the flag was created in the name of the police!
This one starts off by stating the opposite of what is commonly thought as a fact.  Then she talks about how a woman will spend 25x on clothes than a man does.  Then she says a woman makes $1.69 more than a man per hour.  It ends with her stating that “women had their Suffering Movement” already.  No one has responded to this by saying, “It’s Suffrage.”
Does Tomi Lahren really believe that the only way for freedom to work is to FORCE freedom on people?  Many seem to think so.
“White people just want what the Brown people had” is what this fake Tomi Lahren quote claims as A-OK!  She also depicts the sharp difference between “want” and “need” here.
Tomi calls for an Alliance with Russia to take on China.
Businesses don’t deserve ANY rights!  Pass those laws that shun them if they don’t support the President Trump Train!
I tried to make this one surely fake, but it did not work 🙁  “Little Loosafur” was just too hard to do a Google search with I guess!
The Wall!  You never knew that a wall on the Mexican Border would keep America warm, did you! Or that World War Z is actually a documentary!
Here we go again! Government force is the only way to make things work correctly.  My favorite thing about this is the fact that she thinks Mexicans aren’t speaking another language, but it is a speech impediment that makes them talk weird.
Were you cheering from Falcons or Patriots? Hopefully, according to Tomi Lahren, you weren’t cheering for black birds.  Can’t cheer against the King, either!
You would be surprised how many people thought she actually said this.  Saying things like “6 or 9?? She can’t keep track??”  Or just straight up calling her a ho.  No one questioned why she was taking a Men Studies class in her Junior Year of college.  Benefit of the doubt:  I didn’t look up to see if this was actually a class.  I just figured it wouldn’t be!
Just like the previous one, no one questioned the college-level Papier-Mache George Washington.
Oh man.  Someone on Facebook actually commented on this one.  “She thinks that movie is a documentary?!?”  I’m usually not proud of my trolling, but I had the biggest smile for this one.
The “69” theme in these quotes are never questioned, which is hilarious to me.  Even more hilarious is how no one questioned the claim that there are tomahawks in those missiles.
Trump will cure cancer!
I think this one here got most of the “Did she really say this?” comments.  I actually want this on a shirt.
You gotta love this one.  Four terms?  A wall around Hawaii?  And people still believe this is true!
I remember reading one comment to this and thinking, “Do people read just half of the quote?” Then I realized that these quotes are all too long.  If it is longer than one sentence, it is too much for a person to consume.  That is EXTREMELY unfortunate!
This was the first one I made.  It shows how strong of a feminist she actually is.

Keep an eye out for more Tomi Lahren “Quotes” on my Twitter (@BLoafX) or on Instagram (@BLoafX)!  Or just check back on this blog every once in a while.  She’s my favorite to come up with quotes, but I occasionally do a few others.  Check out them on this blog post!

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