Is “They Will Pay a Price” a Sensible Foreign Policy?

The final presidential debate of 2020 was a bit more civil than the first one, even though a vague claim that someone “will pay a price” was made. However, there was a lot of President Donald Trump and Vice President Joe Biden’s Chicken Hawk sides flapping their wings!

This post ends up looking more pro-Trump, but don’t worry, The Hawk Bawk recognizes both Trump and Biden as Chicken Hawks and anti-Liberty. Biden’s “They will pay a price” statement drilled itself deep here, though.

“I am Lincoln”

This was, by far, the funniest moment of the debate!

Unfortunately, it was pretty much the only really funny moment. In contrast, the first debate was hilarious!

Trump talked about how he has done more for black Americans than any other president. He even went on to say that the only other president that might have done more was Abraham Lincoln.

Later on in the debate, Joe Biden gaffed pretty hard and tried to say Trump was calling himself Abraham Lincoln. Trump’s reaction to it was priceless! “‘I am Lincoln.’ I never said that!”

However, all of this yammering is about one of the biggest Chicken Hawk presidents in history – Abraham Lincoln.

Lincoln deported Congressman Clement L. Vallandigham for speaking out against Lincoln’s Aggression against the Confederacy. Is that even taught to students in public schools? There are many other reasons to not like Lincoln, but that is a good place to start.

Perhaps we should stop calling it the American Civil War and call it Lincoln’s Aggression against the Confederacy. There was no declaration of war, after all.

They Will Pay a Price

From PBS YouTube Channel

After a presidential debate, there shouldn’t be much room for question on what a candidate’s stance, policy, or actions will be. Since these debates are only a couple hours and not the 100 hours they should be, there can be some room for vagueness. There shouldn’t be complete vagueness.

Joe Biden repeated told everyone that any foreign country “will pay a price” if they interfere with the U.S. election. However, there are a few questions that come from this threat.

  1. How will they pay a price?
  2. What if those countries help Biden get elected?
  3. What is the source of the problem?

Let’s take a look at each of these questions.

How Will They Pay a Price?

What is Biden’s plan for foreign countries to pay a price? It is extremely unfortunate that Trump and moderator Kristen Welker didn’t press this.

A statement that vague can lead to a world of problems. Unfortunately, the “price” can cost the most to those who live on the bottom – the poor and middle class.

If a war erupts from the price, a large monetary price will be paid by the rich and a smaller price paid by the less affluent Americans. However, it will be the middle class and the poor who do all the killing and dying.

On the foreign country who is accused of meddling in American politics, it will be the same. Not very many Americans will see that, though, as Americans generally only fight wars abroad.

Besides lives, another “price” will be the destruction of infrastructure, businesses, and housing. Remember the when the Japanese and Germans thrashed civilians? Remember when the United States dropped atomic bombs Fat Man and Little Boy on Hiroshima and Nagasaki?

Guess those were just “prices” to pay.

What If Those Countries Help Biden Get Elected?

This is a question no one seems to care about or ask.

A handful of foreign countries might have their reasons to meddle in American elections. Some may even have their reasons to get Trump reelected.

However, in this sensitive state America is in currently, what if these countries ended up helping Biden get elected? If foreign countries really wanted America to falter, they’d definitely get Biden elected.

In a thought experiment, think of the possible fallout with a Biden-meddled victory.

The right would get extremely mad about it. The tension would grow even more than it did in 2016. Would Biden stay in office, or would he give up his position because he did not truly win the election? It’s hard to say for anyone wanting to be president if they would call for a reelection after they’ve already been declared winner.

Would the Democrats want to give up the power, knowing that they may have not won without tampering? Who will pay a price if this turns out to be the case?

Who do you think will win this election? Guaranteed losers: Freedom and Peace.

What Is the Source of the Problem?

As much as we can complain Trump or Biden are problems, we have to look at the real source of the problems in America: the citizens and education.

America’s education system is terrible. For 13 years (K-12), the average American is indoctrinated with mostly worthless information to individuals, then is expected to go to college for a few more years of it. Not many students actually learn to think. They only learn what they are taught to think.

What does 10 years of math do for the average person? How much of that math does the average person use in daily life?

Why do we expect someone who has no interested in math to invest such a grand amount of time studying it?

The same for the previous two questions can be applied to any subject. History, English, Science, Literature, Art, etc. all have their place, to be sure. However, what’s the point of learning all of that if you won’t remember it?

Even worse – what’s the point of learning it if you are only seeing one side of it? This deeply applies to history – would the government (the teacher) want you to learn all of the bad things it has done? Can it expect your obedience if you know the truth?

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