The Sports Entertainment News Program – WWE Payback 2016

Holy cow! I can’t believe it’s well over a year since I’ve filmed this!  This is The Sports Entertainment News Program.  Basically it’s me talking about Pro Wrestling with some Alternative Facts.

(The Sports Entertainment News Program on WWE Payback 2016)
This was so hastily shot that I didn’t realize I look like a face floating talking about WWE Payback. Haha! What a rookie!  It was a last second idea thrown together faster than the standard WWE booking.
If you watched the news program, do you think this is something I should start back up with a little better set design (of course)?  It was fun for me, just making up a bunch of stuff!  Just comment or tweet me @BLoafX! Or at @TheRawLoaf!
I’m pretty sure I can get @TeamSterlo to write and report as well.  Tweet him your thoughts on this!

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