The Rose Fatale Season 3! Even more Dating Advice!

If you need help with your relationship, then look no further!  The Rose Fatale’s 3rd season is COMPLETE!  Check out all of the high quality advice from The Rose Fatale below, and as always, Little Daisy has to put his two cents in as well.  We will be filming Season 4 soon, so make sure to ask your questions in the comments or tweet @TheRoseFatale!

“Why are most guys douches?”

Little Daisy says:  “You shouldn’t be asking why most guys are douches.  That isn’t important.  What you need to do is look for the guys that aren’t douches.”

“What’s a good age to start dating?”

Little Daisy says:  “Whenever you feel comfortable.  If anything feels wrong at any point, you have the 100% right to wawlk away from the situation.”

“Why am I so terrified that my boyfriend will cheat on me?”

Little Daisy says:  “Something is causing this fear in you.  This is not natural.  Again, communication is key.  More than likely, though, he is doing something to you to make you feel this way.  Talk to him about it.

“Is it a sin for me to jerk off my boyfriend?”

Little Daisy says:  “Of course it is not a sin, as long as you love him and you treat him with respect.  But you can only do that if he treats you with respect and loves you back!”

“Are revenge affairs a good idea?”


“What is a pencil dick?”

Little Daisy says:  “According to, it is ‘Someone with a long but extremely thin penis, resembling a pencil. **wow, all lenghth no body, what a pencil dick.**

“Is 18 too young for sex?”

Little Daisy says:  “Nope.  As long as you are ready. 18 is a great age to start.  Experienced lovers have much greater success in relationships in the long run, and 18 is a great age to start making smart decisions on your own.”

“How to convince girlfriend to have sex with me?”

Little Daisy says:  “Treat her with respect and treat her special.  When she’s ready, she’ll let you know.  There should be no convincing involved!”

“Would you date a chubby girl?”

Little Daisy says:  “Of course!  A woman is a woman, regardless of size and shape.  As long as you treat each other with respect, that’s all that matters.”

“What happened to your first love?”

Little Daisy says: “I don’t want to talk about it.”

Just now finding The Rose Fatale?  Make sure to check out Season 1 and Season 2!

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