The RAW Loaf, Episode 26, WWE NXT, November 20th, 2014 review/recap using YOUR tweets!

Again, using YOUR tweets!

A couple people have asked what program I use to edit.  If you are anywhere near amateur level in editing, you’ll notice some dumb mistakes in my work here.  It’s all groovy.  I used Magix Movie Edit Deluxe 2015.  It was only $30 when I bought it.  Nothing fancy, that’s for sure. 

You know what though?  It gets the job done, even if it is kind of frustrating.  I’d much rather use Avid or Adobe Premiere Pro, but hey, those you have to pay for every month.  Magix was a one time payment.  I also plan on upgrading my copy of Magix soon and then I’ll do a full review of the program.

Here is where you can listen to episode 59 of Colt Cabana’s Art of Wrestling podcast with Cliff Compton –

And always remember – if you love pro wrestling, make sure to subscribe to the WWE Network!

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