“You’re Nothing But a Chicken Hawk.”

If you are a Chicken Hawk, are you nothing but a Chicken Hawk? Is there any life form lower than a Chicken Hawk? Continue reading
If you are a Chicken Hawk, are you nothing but a Chicken Hawk? Is there any life form lower than a Chicken Hawk? Continue reading
With everyone coming down on Trump for his last couple weeks of his presidency, do they genuinely he’s just going to become “unhinged” and start firing nuclear weapons everywhere? Continue reading
Chicken Hawks bawk crazily when their freedom is threatened. They’re afraid to do anything, even when US Troops out of Germany saves money! Continue reading
Was Trump right about soldiers when he alledgedly called them “losers” and “suckers”? Here’s a non-chicken hawk perspective. Continue reading
Will Donald Trump Approve this Easter Themed Public Service Announcement? (https://youtu.be/mzBXOVESNew) I really hope Hilary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Ted Cruz, and Marco Rubio take note and hire me to do their next commercials. Peeps are cheap after Easter. Might be a good time to make a new PSA… Continue reading