Is “They Will Pay a Price” a Sensible Foreign Policy?

Biden Says They Will Pay a Price

Joe Biden claimed in the final 2020 Presidential Debate that countries meddling in American elections “will pay a price.” But, what does that mean exactly? Continue reading

How I Would Moderate a Presidential Debate

Whether they are Republican, Democrat, or Other, I would moderate the presidential debate very in depth.  Could you imagine if Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton would have actually had to answer questions? (

Second Democratic Debate, November 14th, 2015, Des Moines, Iowa, CBS

Holy Fun!

You can see a list of the debates here.  I will doing live meme-ing for all these, so stay tuned for the fun!! FUN TIMES!  Sorry, but I will not be able to live-meme the next two debates :'( Someone else do it please 🙂          â€¦ Continue reading