The Conjuring 3: The Dumb Devil Made Me Do It!

The Devil Made Me Do It Conjuring 3

Sequels can get annoying. There’s so much to remember from the previous films, and it doesn’t help if they are years and years apart! The first Conjuring came out in 2013. That’s not really that long ago considering how many movies have spawned from it. Horror – gotta love how they can pump movies in that genre! Continue reading

Cruella, though Pretty Good, Is Dumb Sometimes

Cruella 2021

Oh, Cruella, what a punk rock movie you were, especially for Disney, but that doesn’t make you dumb sometimes 😉 Continue reading

Mortal Kombat Is Fun but Is Dumb a Lot!

Mortal Kombat 2021

Are you wondering if you should watch Mortal Kombat at home or in the theater? Uh, see it in the theater, even though it can be dumb!! 😉 Continue reading

The Girl Who Believes In Miracles Is Dumb Sometimes!

The Girl Who Believes In Miracles Is Jesus?

The Girl Who Believes In Miracles gets somewhat of a pass since its not a big time Hollywood film, but it is dumb sometimes! Continue reading

6 Ways to Demonstrate Proper Movie Theater Etiquette

Proper Theater Etiquette

If you’re wondering if you have proper movie theater etiquette, you probably need to read this list of proper theater etiquette 😉 Continue reading

The Security in Godzilla Vs. Kong Made the Movie Pointless

Gozdilla Vs Kong Security Issues

If there is one thing that is incredibly dumb, its the security in Godzilla Vs. Kong. Where is all the security? Continue reading

Nobody – As In Nobody Should Hate this Film!

Nobody was an absolute blast to watch in the theater. It was dumb sometimes, but it was great most of the time! Continue reading