Third Republican Debate, October 28th, 2015, University of Colorado, Boulder on CNBC

Holy Fun!

You can see a list of the debates here.  I will doing live meme-ing for all these, so stay tuned for the fun!! ****CNBC did NOT stream the debate on their website like CNN did.  They must hate America or Republican or something!  Why would they not want everyone to… Continue reading

First Democratic Debate Memes, October 13th, 2015 in Las Vegas

Holy Fun!

I made these as the debate was happening.  Looking forward to the debates next month!!

Marvel Puzzle Quest: 121 (99) Token Open Marathon and Gameply tips

Holy Fun!

(If you came for the memes, keep scrolling down!)

Game of War: Fire Age Memes

Holy Fun!

I will soon do a video on Game of War: Fire Age.  However, I was talking to SWLibra last night and I made some pretty sweet memes.  If you play the game, you’ll get them.  If not, then they will just be memes you don’t understand. I use the Meme… Continue reading