Other Fake Quotes of Politicians Some People Think Are Real!


Click on the picture of the TomiHawk missile to see the blog on quotes dedicated to her! So, maybe you’ve seen my Tomi Lahren Quotes.  It was only natural that I spun off and did some of some other politicians.  So far we have Donald Trump, Bernie Sanders, and of course… Continue reading

Tomi Lahren and The Things She (Doesn’t) Says


(Too bad Trump didn’t have these TomiHawk missiles launched in Syria!) Republican Diva Tomi Lahren is very popular among the conservative crowd!  There have been many times when people hear something she says, and they pretty much want to shoot their brains out. But just how far would something have… Continue reading

Survivor Series in Memes!


  It was a Survivor Series…one I wasn’t really impressed with unfortunately 🙁  I’d rate it a 8 out of 69.   Just nothing really stuck out.  The Survivor Series match was severely undersold for its 25th anniversary.  Ending was eeeeeeehhhhhhh.  Oh well, TLC next, let’s get it!

Memes of Game of War: Fire Age

Holy Fun!

I made some pretty sweet memes about Game of War: Fire Age.  If you play the game, you’ll get them.  If not, then they will just be memes you don’t understand.  These were made years ago, but I think they still apply. Heck, the game has gotten so ridiculous now,… Continue reading

WWE Survivor Series 2015 for Undertaker25! As told in Memes!

Wrestling with The Raw Loaf

  It was a Survivor Series…one I wasn’t really impressed with unfortunately 🙁  I’d rate it a 8 out of 69.   Just nothing really stuck out.  The Survivor Series match was severely undersold for its 25th anniversary.  Ending was eeeeeeehhhhhhh.  Oh well, TLC next, let’s get it!  

Second Democratic Debate, November 14th, 2015, Des Moines, Iowa, CBS

Holy Fun!

You can see a list of the debates here.  I will doing live meme-ing for all these, so stay tuned for the fun!! FUN TIMES!  Sorry, but I will not be able to live-meme the next two debates :'( Someone else do it please 🙂          … Continue reading

Fourth Republican Debate, November 10th, 2015 Milwaukee, WI

Holy Fun!

You can see a list of the debates here.  I will doing live meme-ing for all these, so stay tuned for the fun!! Oh boy. This debate taught me I will not be voting for Rubio, Cruz, Trump, or Fiorina! Dang Chicken Hawks should stick to fighting their own battles,… Continue reading