Just How In Depth Storyboarding Can Be

To do a scene right, it can take a lot of time to prepare.  Sometimes, you can get the scene just right with little to no preparation.  I was taught in Film School that once Albert Hitchcock was finished with preproduction, he was pretty much done with the film. Just how in depth was his storyboarding! However, Wikipedia has a little bit of a different story.  But as William Goldman famously proclaimed, “Nobody knows anything.”

Below is a storyboard/schematic I did for a Storyboarding class.  In reality, I only do thumbnails.  Perhaps one day if Paramount decides they want me to make a movie for them, I’ll do more than thumbnails!

Thumbnails are a bit annoying, but necessary to work out what you really want!  Here is the set I did for the script.  The circles underneath each thumbnail are the thumbs I selected.  There is also a quick sketch of a schematic on the last page.

Next I drew the schematic.  I have grown to prefer to draw them on graph paper.  These make it great to go along with the storyboards.  One item I forgot to include on the schematic is the equipment and maybe some lighting (I had in mind it was all natural lighting from the set).
And here we go with the boards!  Let me know if you can see what I see, haha.  I am by far from the best drawer (I even traced a couple things, but that was allowed).  Look at the schematic and then the thumbs and see if they make sense!
 Two girls walk into the bar
 Girls split, camera follows girl on right
 Girl goes to the bar and stops next to Waiter
 Waiter takes beer though crowd to table
 Spin around begins around this table
 Still spin around
 Spin around halts and zooms into Waiter for short speech
Waiter goes into basement (small door by his head in previous board)
 Old friend of Waiter appears out of the darkness
 Camera follows Waiter up, overlook of bar w/ time lapse as everyone leaves, then push into Old Friend and Waiter for conversation

Is your storyboarding more in depth than mine! It probably looks a lot better!

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