Should You Start Playing Marvel Puzzle Quest?

No. Perhaps you’ve run across a game called “Marvel Puzzle Quest” (MPQ) and you’ve given some consideration before playing the game. Before you start playing Marvel Puzzle Quest, take a look at some of the questions below to help you decide on whether or not you should play MPQ!

1. Are You a Gamer?

First off, before you give consideration to playing this game, just don’t play it and move on with your life.

If you are a gamer, I would highly suggest to not start playing Marvel Puzzle Quest.

The market is flooded with games like MPQ, but these are not designed for gamers. This game is designed for gamblers and people just looking to fill their extra time.


How can anyone download this game legal if it’s gambling?” you might be asking yourself. Well, if you win, your prize is not money. Your prize is a digital item that can only be used in the game.

You can also buy “tokens” or “cover packs,” which will give you digital characters you can use in the game. You can spend up to $99 on special packs in the game.

However, these packs generally won’t get you the characters you need or even want. I’ve been playing the game for over DAYS now and it’s hard for me to do very well in the Player Vs Player events.

There is a work around, though. Players have united to help battle each other to get better rankings by communicating when they’re playing.

Some say this is aa way to work against the game’s broken system. I say it’s a way for the game creators to be lazy and make so much money every day.

Gambling $74.99 at a Time

Every once in a while, the game will give you a “special” deal in which, for $74.99, you can get around 10 Legendary Tokens and a handful of useless tokens (in comparison to the Legendary Tokens). With these Legendary Tokens, you have a “1 in 7” chance to get the current, powerful 5 star characters. Recently, I needed to get the new 5 star Cyclops (when you get to higher rankings, certain 5 star characters are required). It took me over 40 tries to get just one Cyclops.

On top of that, there is a new 5 star character every couple months (unless the game creators really want money, then they’ll push them out monthly). To be sure, you can obtain Legendary Tokens by just playing the game, but they do take a long time to obtain.

The better you perform, the more legendary tokens you can obtain. The most go to those who can optimize their game play (play around the game’s time, not the player’s time) and have the better rosters.

That’s the gamer aspect of it, but you have to give your life to the game.

One other gambling aspect of it is that the game is a match-3 game. This means all of the pieces in the game are all random. If you’re lucky, you’ll get the pieces you need. There is no skill involved in luck.

People Just Looking to Fill Their Time

There are a lot of casual gamers out there who play this game. Some of them even spend money on the game frequently. I don’t understand why they do since this game has no ending or overall story arc.

It is a fun game to play while you’re on the toilet. It can be efficient at taking your mind off of the realities of the real world.

It’s amazing how much money causal players are willing to spend on a game that is really just there to fill their time! I can think it’s amazing. I’m not passing judgement or talking trash on Capitalism! It’s weird how some people think that if you’re a Capitalist that you can’t have an opinion on people’s decisions.

So you do you! That’s awesome! I just couldn’t imagine myself spending any more money on this game is all.

2. Do You Value Things You Can’t Touch?

To be sure, things are valued at what people value them at. Not all intangible items are worth so little. Music, movies, ideas, etc. can all have extreme worth. Supply and demand also dictates prices, which is why it’s so weird to me the game gets away with charging $74.99 for 10 Legendary Tokens

To another player, a Legendary Token might be worth $7. To me, I might value it at $0.07, mostly because I’m gambling with them with no chance of winning any real money.

It’s amazing to me that the game creators literally don’t have to do anything to produce Legendary Tokens, yet they can charge so much for them. To each their own. Again, I don’t look down on anyone that pays that much for an unlimited quantity of something from nothing. I just couldn’t imagine spending money that I worked for on this game of gambling.

3. Do You Like Doing Something You Have to Do a Bunch of Mundane Stuff to Keep Up With?

As stated earlier, you have to revolve your life around the game if you want to go far in the game. This means playing at certain times of the day, so you may have to schedule your play time up to 7 days in advance.

On top of that, they constantly put out new characters. In 2019, I took a few months away from the game. When I came back, there were so many characters I need to get. Luckily, before I took my hiatus, I didn’t open any tokens for about 6 months, so when I came back, I was able to get a lot of the characters I was missing. It still took up to a year to champ some of the four stars I missed out on though.

But what did champing all of those characters I was missing get me? Not every character gives you 5 star shards, or pieces to get a 5 star character. I hardly ever use any of all the 4 or 5 star characters I obtained.

But, if you end up getting somewhat serious about the game, you have to collect up all of those useless characters because there is that “1 in 7” chance that a Legendary Token you get might actually get you a 5 star character that there is a very low chance you’ll actually use!

4. But I Want to Start Playing Marvel Puzzle Quest! What are Your Veteran Tips?

Drat! I couldn’t convince you to not start playing Marvel Puzzle Quest, so here is how I would play the game if I had to start all over:

Tip 1: Don’t start playing Marvel Puzzle Quest

Tip 2: Get one of every character

Events have required characters, and I’d only play the events fully if I had all the required characters. If I didn’t have all the required characters, I’d join the even late in hopes that I could place high in the bracket to get the best rewards. Tip #3 says to never open a token, but the one exception would be to get a character you desperately need for an event.

Make sure you have a couple slots reserved for 1* Black Widow (Modern), a.k.a. MBW. Get her to 5 blue power, 0 (zero) purple power.

Tip 3: Don’t open any tokens

I don’t know how efficient this tip is for a new player since I’m over 7 years in the game. However, if I start playing Marvel Puzzle Quest from the beginning for some dumb reason, I probably would play for about 3 years without opening any tokens.

However, if you get into an active alliance, you should open standard tokens until you have a couple MBW’s with 5 blue, 0 purple.

Tip 4: Join Events Near the End

As a time saver, don’t start playing any PVP events until there is about 30 minutes left until the end of the event. If you’re lucky (at gambling), you will get into a bracket that has very few players. You’ll get the top rewards, which you’re usually better off with than the progression awards.

Tip 5: Learn how much time it takes to reach progression rewards fully

I know I can safely skip the first day of a PVE event and still reach all the progression rewards (sometimes, the progression rewards are better for you than the placement rewards). Learn your time frame so you can live your life to the fullest.

Tip 6: Find an active alliance

As soon as you can, join an ACTIVE alliance. Alliance Team Ups really can save you in a pinch. You’ll also get the daily ISO bonus from your alliance. Make sure you have at least a few MBW’s with 5 blue, 0 purple. There are too many alliances out there that might have only a few active members in it. Ideally, you’ll want an alliance that plays every day and has minimum requirement scores.

If it weren’t for people like Alliance007, Unlucky13, Chenpion, V1rusHunter, Wolvie171, and the numerous amount of other people that have allowed me to fail sometimes!

Tip 7: Buy Roster Slots

No! This doesn’t mean to buy with real life money! Spend your real life money on cool things like pizza and bowling balls. Use the Hero Points you earn in the game to buy roster slots. These are essential in the long run for when you start farming and having space for required characters.

Plus, early on, when you find an active alliance, you can become a valuable alliance member with at least 4 slots reserved for Modern Black Widow. Don’t put any ISO into her and put 5 blue powers ONLY. Do not give these MBW’s any purple powers.

Tip 8: Only spend ISO and Hero Points on a Few, Select Characters

Really, there are only a handful of characters that you’ll end up using. After playing for a year or two, I’d say the first team you should try to get is 3* Gray Suit Black Widow, 3* Scarlet Witch, and 4* Professor X (you’ll have to keep their levels balanced a certain level too).

Once you get enough purple ability points, you can essentially use power ups in a cycle that regenerates enough purple ability points and continue the cycle. There are a couple teams that can do this, but this is the one I used.

If need be, make sure you spend ISO on some 1 star Black Widows with 5 blue, 0 purple for your alliance team ups!

Make sure to leave your 3-star land team in the comments below!

Tip 9: Don’t Power Up just to Power Up

I’m not 100% on how the game matches you against other players, but once one of your characters or teams reach certain level, you’ll start to get more powerful teams to face. My first run at the game I played for about 70 days. I remember leveling up a 2* Thor and then all of a sudden, it was taking me longer to win in PVP because I was facing stronger teams.

Back then, they didn’t have S.H.I.E.L.D. Clearance Levels though, so I’m not sure if that’s changed. Again, I’d suggest not opening tokens or spending Hero Points until absolutely necessary to level up.

Where I’m at now, though, about 95% of the time, I use 5* Thor, 5* Okoye, and someone else. Essentially, I’ve played for 7 years and have over 230 characters with over 300 roster slots, and I use two of them 95% of the time.

Tip 10: Don’t start playing Marvel Puzzle Quest

Take it from a former gamer. If you are looking for a game to play, don’t start playing Marvel Puzzle Quest.

5. Do You Have Any Good Things to Say About Marvel Puzzle Quest?

The ads in the game are extremely minimal. About every month there will be a pop-up when you load the game for some Marvel related thing. Most mobile games have way too many ads, and most of those ads are to other weird mobile games!

It’s not nearly as bad of a mobile game like some other games out there. Two other ones that I had really high hopes for but ended up being terrible games are Trailer Park Boys and It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia. Those two shows are two of my favorite shows, and it saddened me they produced extremely terrible games.

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If, for whatever reason, you want to view my old blog posts on Marvel Puzzle Quest, you can at the following:

  1. Little Billy
  2. Marvel Puzzle Quest Token Draws
  3. Marvel Puzzle Quest 121 Token Draws
  4. 2nd Review of Marvel Puzzle Quest
  5. Marvel Puzzle Quest Review

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