Sean put a video about some thoughts on Marvel Puzzle Quest on the internet. Surprisingly, the video got a lot of love, until it hit a certain website! Listen or read!
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Transcription of Marvel Puzzle Quest Video Discussion
Some things should be said or shouldn’t. Oh, it’s on with Juan and Sean!
Juan, I have a question for you.
Please do tell do tell.
Have you ever been on the internet?
90% of the time on the internet?
Well, then, you know, people on the internet are not the nicest people in the world.
Of course not.
And I have a prime example for today on Oh! It’s On!
With Juan
And Sean. And so about a month ago, I made this little video of this game called Marvel Puzzle Quest. And one I sent it over to you, did you get a chance to view it?
I got a chance to view it.
Okay, so I made this video, right. I’ve been playing this game for a long time. I play it. I’m not that like, I obviously I know. I’m not the best at it. Okay, I’ve been playing it a lot. And I thought I had some pretty decent knowledge on the game.
Now, Sean?
How long is a long time?
It’s been over 2300 days.
And that, wow, 2300 days? What does that come out to for people who don’t know math like me.
So if I averaged an hour a day, that would be 100 total days of my life I have spent playing this game!
That’s horrible. Okay. And I didn’t, I thought I was decent. I mean, I played it. It’s fun. I wasn’t playing it like, seriously, I was for a while. And then it just got to the point where I was like, I need my life back. So I scaled back. Because I was playing in the I was trying to play for the higher alliances. And then I needed to scale back because I was like, This is too much. And I’m not getting much out of it. And the game only has like 15 events ish, 15 to 20. And it was just becoming like, monotonous. And the rewards weren’t happening as much as I’d like them to. But then I scaled back and then I quit for a while. I quit for like five to six months. And man, it was it was hard getting back into the game. And I think that’s part of the reason why I didn’t care as much. So I wasn’t I was just playing the game just to play the game. Because after you put so much time into something like that, you don’t want to just give it up. I’ve been building my roster for five or six years at that point. So I’m playing the game, just to play the game, basically. And then one day, I was like, You know what, I’m gonna make a video. And I’m kind of a game, I used to be anyway, kind of a gamer. And these games are presented as games, but they’re not games. If anybody has seen that South Park episode, have you seen the South Park episode called the freemium?
Yes, I have.
That’s exactly what all these games are. And I thought that would be common sense. Little did I know maybe I’m a complete moron, according to the internet.
Now now now know, for those that have seen like the South Park episode, you know, are these the games that are free to pay?
You are free to pay for these games? Yes.
Just wanted to just throw it out there. So can you tell people what what it means for like, free to play games.
If you don’t know what these are, consider yourself very lucky. These games are free to play. They go, “Hey, you can play this for free.” And then you go and play it. And then after a little while, maybe the first like 20 minutes to an hour…most of them that I have played just because sometimes these games pop up and I want to try them out. And the most I’ll end up playing it is for like an hour because at about an hour’s time. They’re like, Hey, we need money now. And so, but the thing is, is that it’s kind of fun at first, but then after time, it all becomes the same thing over and over again. And like in the video I had mentioned the Trailer Park Boys and they’ll always sunny games. Those games I think are the worst and they’re not even games. They get to the point where you just aren’t tapping the screen. Like in that South Park episode with the Canadian money. Yeah, Kyle’s just tapping the screen or stand whichever one and you just have to spend money to make the game work. And that’s one thing that I really liked about Marvel Puzzle Quest. You didn’t have to play the pay the game to make it work and it was ad free. Some of these premium games have hundreds of ads. I feel like every hour. You’re just always getting ads. And you can pay to get the ads to go away for a little while, but it’s never permanent. It feels like. I made this video. And oh, and that’s another thing. These, these games, people spend hundreds, if not 1000s of dollars on these games, and it’s so mind blowing to me, because the games aren’t like, they’re not complex. They’re not like, they don’t stimulate the mind. They don’t, they don’t even change that much. Like, like I said, Marvel Puzzle Quest, it was, there was more characters as time went on. But ultimately, a lot of the same tactics worked. So a lot of the times new characters don’t even mean they’re not even good sometimes. And sometimes, the thing that makes me mad is when they come out with a character they never tested. And, like Gambit, five star Gambit came out. And he was just, he was so powerful. It was ridiculous how powerful he was. So, of course, everybody gets Gambit. So you spend all that time getting Gambit, and then they go, alright, we’re going to nerf Gambit, which means we’re going to make him weak. So they make him weak. And in return, they give you some tokens to hopefully get whichever five star characters that you want. You know, you’re hoping you’re gambling. As I say in the video, you’re gambling that giving up this character that you have spent all this time to get champed. You’re selling him off in hopes that you get something as good as he was, or somewhat close. And I actually lucked out. I got I got a couple couple good ones, but there’s no reason for the game company, the company producing the game to be good, if they know that they have no recourse for doing a bad job.
And a lot of people have quit they changed the user interface and that and that wasn’t a big deal to me, but good golly, Miss Molly, if you went to their Play Store reviews, they they changed the how like, the whole thing looks, and I would have thought like the world had killed all the puppies on the planet. That’s how much everybody was worried about that. But anyway, so I made this video. I was like, Alright, I’m gonna share this with my Alliance. I’m…when you watch the video, Juan. What How do you think what was your feeling about me or the video?
Well, when I watched it, the first thing that came to my mind is should I start playing puzzle, Marvel quest.
That’s how objective you are. You don’t even know the game name.
So when I saw I was like, Oh, okay. Let me watch it. And he goes, Well, if you’re fanatic gamer, should you be playing? Marvel Puzzle Quest? The answer was. No. I gotta watch this. What does he mean by no?
And could you tell I was having fun?
I can tell you’re having fun in a video explaining it to us.
Yeah. Yeah. So if this you know, if you know me, I’m, I like to, I’m a goofy guy. I like to just be goofy. So when I put this video up, I was like, I wonder if people are going to catch that, like, people are going to see that I I even stayed in the video, I’m probably still going to play this game. So I’m an idiot is basically what I was saying in the video. Like, I realize the problems I have with this game, but I still play the game. And that’s because it’s one of those, it’s some like they explained it in the South Park episode. It has something to do with your brain. Your brain likes it or something. And you just can’t stop playing. And so I posted the video that I had no views. Well had a couple and then I was like I’m gonna share this was my Alliance and then my Alliance they they’ve little they cause they kind of know me. They know I was being goofy, I think anyway, unless they were just being nice. And I didn’t want to be mean to me. And I, they were like, haha, and then and then. And then one of the guys in my Alliance, like two days after I posted it, put a big old message in one of the group chats. Hey, everybody, sorry. I just watched BLoaf’s this video and it made me realize how much time I wasted on this game. And I was like, oops. Like my, my intention was not to make people realize how like, how much time people are wasting on the game. It was me just ultimately trying to vent to understand why people spend so much on the game. In the video, I make so many subtle references to capitalism. And I love capitalism. And it’s cool if people want to do that. It’s cool. And I really think the video was just me, just venting frustration as to why the local homeless shelter, you know, there’s people dying, but people are spending $2,000 on the game up, but, to me, it’s not even a good game. Man. nobody’s really explained to me why this game is worth spending $2,000 on. So I think that’s really what this video was. I was just having fun. And then when I made when the guy said, He’s quitting, because of my video, I went, oh my gosh. Oops. And so I was like, You know what, maybe this is what some people need to hear. So guess what I did next?
What did you do next?
I went on to one of the Marvel Puzzle Quest Facebook pages. And I posted it on there. And I posted it with the caption. Hey, I made this video. And I just wanted to post it here because somebody in my Alliance quit over it. And I thought maybe it was a message some people need to hear. And, and a lot of people watched it a couple hundred people watched it. Wow. That’s, that’s good. Yeah. And, and, and the feedback. I mean, people, I don’t really post a lot in that Facebook group. I do every once in a while. But I be I’m always talking about how the company just wants your money. And
I mean, it’s happened enough where they’ve had to change characters because they were too weak or too powerful. And I’m just like, if you would have tested your characters, you know, but anyway, so.
So they, uh, so see, I had some pretty good comments. My likes on the video. I had, like, all of my likes versus dislikes were all likes. Really? Yeah. And people were just laughing at it. And I mean, really, I was just like I said, I was venting and I was trying to make an entertaining video. And then guess what I did?
You took it down.
Oh, what did you do?
What was that?
Put it on Reddit.
I was like, do I want to put this on? Where do I put this next? Um, I was like, I bet there’s a Marvel Puzzle Quest page on Reddit.
Oh, how many followers were on that Reddit page?
I honestly, I don’t even it wasn’t as much as I thought it was because I remember seeing the number going, Oh, that’s kind of small.
So I put it on there. And then I went to sleep. And I woke up, and I didn’t really I mean, I’m hardly ever on Reddit. Mm hmm. But I, I checked my email message from Reddit, message from Reddit, message from Reddit.
And I was like, geez, and then I went to the video. And I was like, oh, maybe they’re commenting on the video. No, nobody’s commenting on the video. But now it has like eight dislikes.
I was like, Oh, geez
Well that’s better than no likes.
Well, I mean, I had 100% like ratio and now it’s like 60% like ratio.
And then I saw a couple of the messages on Reddit. I opened a couple the emails and man, I was like, this place does not like me. So right now I’m going to read a couple of the com…I haven’t even looked at all the comments cuz I was just like, do I want to read these? Like…
We need to hear some come on.
Alright. Alright. Well, I mean, it’s just one of those things. People are going to be mean on the internet. I was surprised Honestly, I was shocked at how many people gave me such positive feedback. And I was like this maybe that’s why I put it on Reddit because I was like this doesn’t feel right. It’s not that I’m looking for the bad and hateful people.
I was just I maybe I just felt good like oh, wow, this is cool. People aren’t like telling me I need to be dead. But like sometimes happens on the internet. Yeah, but so here’s here I got the page open right and I haven’t actually been to the Reddit page since then. I just opened up a few of the messages on my email and then I was like we should talk about this on the podcast. So the first actual comment was actually a good one. I don’t know if it was the only positive one but it was “I lol’d at the repeated use of use those roster slots for five blue BMW.”
Now what does that mean in the Marvel Puzzle Quest.
So whenever I, like, would forget to go into the game and play it because you have to play the game every day. Basically, if you want to be if you basically do, but sometimes, you know, your life could get busy, there’d be days when I didn’t play so I’d have to leave my Alliance and I would go find some just no name Alliance to just be in it. I would always want these MBW’s, this modern Black Widow. And the thing is she, she’s a one star character, but she’s one of the best team ups. It’s at least for me anyway, I don’t, I don’t know, maybe I’m stupid, or ignorant or something. But to me, she helps me out a lot. So I’m always telling, hey, send me you know, MBW and then people always send like purple MBW. So I tell them, Hey, you know, put the put a five blue in there and no purple. And that way everybody, you can send the MBW and she’ll stun the front person in the other team for five rounds. And then she stuns the rest of the team for one round. So basically, you get a free turn, and you can stun their most powerful guy for five rounds.
And yeah, she’s powerful. And so I went in there, and I just, I wanted to, I’ve been wanting to make a video about using five blue MBW, for a long time. And then I think when this video came up, I was like, here’s my chance. I was like, I’m just gonna make the whole tip section. I don’t know why I did a tip section. I was just typing away. And that’s all that came out. And then I just recorded the video. So it’s not like I went into this with a huge plan or anything. And so yeah, those five blue, MBW’s this, I always want those. And a lot of the times people are sending you, they send team ups and I’m just like, why are you sending me this team up? This makes no sense. So I tell them, Hey, this is what you need to do. And they’re like, oh, okay, so you’re ready for the next comment? Yes. “Please never come back to this forum with your idiotic views on this game.” Next one, “I feel like the countless hours you spent making this video could have been better served trying to grow the player base opposed to belittling it.”
Damn, this guy’s really mad huh.
Yeah. And I, it’s, I don’t feel like I was belittling anybody. I just wanted to know why people are spending so much money on this game that doesn’t offer any like, I mean, it It’s, um, my brain is like, trying to figure out what I want to say right now.
It’s an it’s not a it’s not a game that, like, there’s no end goal. There’s no victory in the end every three or four days, a new event starts and the whole thing cycles over again. And they’re always coming out with new characters and changing characters. And I guess you can I mean you’re basically paying for the subscription I guess is how I can look at it but it’s not offering anything new in the long run. Except they might put a new event in every like four or five months.
No, I said I understand.
But it’s not it’s not like the game has its i don’t know i that’s why I put them I got and wanted people to tell me why they spend so much money on it. Especially casual gamers people that don’t play the game that much will still put quite a bit of money into the game.
Yeah. Here’s the next comment. Oh, cheese This one’s good. “You have achieved a rare feat with this video. It’s not often I will hate a video so much I will give the Reddit post a downvote and go to the video on YouTube to give it a thumbs down there too.” So, and then somebody replied to that “Same.” so at least I’m compelling people to take action. Oh geez this one long.
Oh, let’s hear it.
Oh, okay. So basically, “There’s a lot you don’t understand about m pq how you can’t handle us shield clearance level 10 at this point, makes, takes remarkably, at this, at that point takes remarkably poor roster management even for the most casual player. The jokes that you did have some humor were ruined by annoying delivery reminded me of the douche character from Parks and Rec couple fart jokes and
And sound effects would have sealed the deal. I can’t comment on the last 10 minutes of the video, because I can only force myself to watch the first few. If you don’t like the game, take your own advice and just don’t play it.”
You know you should do?
What’s that?
You should like leave a comment saying, but why do you spend money on it? Question mark.
I you know that that was like my original thought. And I was just like, all I’m doing is getting berated here. And if I do that, am I gonna be met with the information or are they just gonna keep doing what they’re doing and calling me an idiot? And I was I’m open to if I mean, I’m pretty sure like I said, I’m I played the game a lot. But in the last like, year or two, I started to pay I not play it as seriously because it was just too much time for me. But I don’t go around running around looking for people to help me to play the game because it’s not to me it wasn’t that serious. I’m just sitting here playing it while I’m on the toilet or something.
Cause that’ll piss people off right there. Maybe when they got to that point. Oh! Can you go like into your? I don’t know if you go to like your to your YouTube. You know, how it can show you like where people stopped like watching.
See if it gets to where it’s like, oh, gave me for the toilet. To kind of stop there. And then you realize what triggered them?
Well, I haven’t looked at the graphs for that video. But most, like all of my videos have like the same downward hill. Like, do they just put the same graph on everybody’s videos? Here’s a comment. “God, your face is so punchable, Alright. There’s so much hate here. God your faces. Hi. Oh my gosh, God, your face and voice is so punchable. I wish you the worst. Beep stirrer.” And then “You said everything I wanted to this guy’s annoying.” And then I’m just like, that doesn’t help anybody. And I can see how people might see that video and think, Oh, well, he’s just dumb. But if you I don’t know me, I don’t. I’m on sometimes I’m on a different plane than what other people are thinking.
Now. here’s here’s, here’s what I think you should do. I think you should make a follow up video. And what I mean by that follow up video is you go, “Should I keep playing Marvel Puzzle Quest? Or” it just comes down to like scenes of you having fun out there drinking, partying, enjoying your life. And then just cut back to you know, being on the toilet with Marvel Puzzle Quest.
Oh, that’s a great idea.
Because like, you know what? Because guarantee a lot of those comments they’re, they’re a bunch of trolls. You know, little, little Sloppies is from the from The Studio.
So you troll them back with the video?
Um, yeah, I could see that. It’s just I…once I started to get all the like, the hatred. I was like, I don’t know if people understand I was just having fun. But then, if I respond, like you said, with that type of video, which would be hilarious. I’m not really in the business of trying to make people mad, I guess. But at the same time, what are they doing? I think they’re just trying to make me mad, which I looked at. I was like, You don’t even know me. Like, you didn’t try to help me. So what are you doing? What? What? What? I, I just wanted to know why people spend so much money on the game. And to this day, nobody has told me why.
That is true.
So yeah, that’s that was the internet’s response to the video. And but it was kind of cool. Because in the graph, in the views graph, in the analytics, you can see it when I posted on Facebook or know when I shared it in the Alliance, boom, there was a big raise in views. And then when I shared it in the Facebook change, boom, there is a couple 100 more views. And then when I shared it on the Reddit page, boom, there was a couple 100 more views. And I was like, Oh, that’s kind of cool. If you do if you do post your video, if your videos aren’t getting views, well then go post it. You just got to be ready for some people to hate you. Like you. Some people I did see once this is one video of a dog right the dog. He was he had you know when the dogs have the big logs in there or the big pieces of branch tree ranch in their mouths.
And this dog was running. And then he tried to go through a doorway and he like snapped his back and he flew backwards and he did a half a flip. And he slammed on the ground.
And somebody like commented on that video, that dumb dog deserves all the pain he gets. I was just like “Why?” Like, why did you have to say that like, other than you were just being hateful or just a troll or? or something? I don’t know. But I really do like your video idea. And I might just go ahead and make it.
Because that reminded me Oh, God, sorry to cut you off. But that reminded me of the of that episode where it’s like, you know, everybody, no matter what you post on our, you know, you can have all those were called like, trolls or those, you know, hate responses.
And so, the whole point is like, you know, come back to him like, Who was it stance Dad? In South Korea, where you give a little glass of wine, just start trolling everybody?
Yeah, no, I think that’s Kyle’s dad
Kyle’s dad.
Lebowski or la broski. whatever his name is.
Yeah, that’s it. I mean, I get it. It’s fun to troll. But I when I like troll, I try to be comedic about it.
I don’t just tell people, Hey, your face is punchable. Or, wow, you’re an idiot. I don’t know. But I just, I just wanted to let people the main point of this podcast was to say, hey, if you don’t want people to leave, like these, obviously, these people on Reddit really care about the game. I’m willing to guess that a lot of them have spent a lot of money on the game and somebody coming along to question as to why they’re spending so much money on the game probably upset some of them.
So they’re lashing out, which is fine. But at the same time, I mean, ever since I posted the video, like, I think I’ve turned the game on, like four times. And, I mean, I’ve been busy with stuff. I was just the other day I turned it on. And then I thought to myself, why am I turning this on? Like, I’m, I haven’t played this for about three and a half weeks. So I’m already behind by at least a character or two a and now it’s gonna be I’m gonna have to grind to get out there. And even if all these people that were telling me I was an idiot, shared with me their advice to play the game better, that’s still, let’s just say I cut my time in half. So I’m still having to spend at least an hour or at least 45 minutes a day playing the game. And I was just like, you know, you know what, I think I’m done with this game. Yeah. And I almost uninstalled it. But I left it installed. Because I wanted to see, at least for another two months, if I can go another two months without playing the game, then I know. I’m over it. And I have moved on with my life. It’s like, okay, so like, I was trying to think of something earlier. And, like, you play World of Warcraft, right?
I used to, yes.
Used to. Yes. So use World of Warcraft is a pretty complex game. There’s a lot of different things to do in it. There’s a lot of different classes, there’s a lot of things you can like, you can talk to other people while you’re doing your gaming and stuff.
Mm hmm.
And there’s guilds and I mean, there’s a lot of mirrored stuff in Marvel Puzzle Quest, but I mean, it’s not even close to the level of complexity as World of Warcraft, or any other like Guild Wars, or anything like that. Like, I was talking to a couple of guys in the office I’m at right now. You know that game seven days to die?
I was telling them about it. And then I was like, I’m gonna I bet I could build this building in this game. And both of them well, one of them really isn’t. He hasn’t played games in his whole life because he thinks they’re dumb. He’s like, you can’t do that. What are you talking about? And I said, watch so this just happened like two days ago. So I’ve been playing the game kind of off and on and I’m gonna build this building in the game and…
In that game, sorry, cut you off but that games on Steam right?
So can you have like other people play with you? Yeah, you can.
I haven’t played it online because so if you don’t log into the game every seven days, your basis invulnerability like shield, or ha comes down, to just come in and take your stuff or whatever. And I’ve always been too afraid. I don’t want to work for something for so long, and then it just all gets destroyed because I got busy with life.
So I usually just play by myself. But I would like to play with other people, but I would only do it in a land situation. But yeah, right now I’m getting pretty close to building the bricks that I need to build this building. And I’m sure that when I show them, they’re gonna be like, What the f?
Oh, cuz you could do like the layout and everything on the inside, right?
Yeah. Yeah. I don’t know how detailed I’ll go into doing that.
I don’t know if in the game, I can upload my own, like images or my own decals. So I can even mimic like the posters on the wall and stuff. I’m gonna see if I can do that. But then I’m gonna go through the game, and they’re gonna be like, What the F and see? And that’s the thing, this game. I only paid $20 once, like four years ago, this game came out seven years ago. Normally, I don’t buy games that aren’t complete, because I think that’s weird.
But for I saw something that just told me to buy this game. So I did. And they haven’t even tried to sell me anything else yet. And not even like, cosmetic stuff.
Mm hmm.
And that’s cool. I mean, we can go into the whole play to win where there are games out there where the more money you spend, the stronger you are. And that that’s not fun. Not to me, not to me anyway. And if that is to you, that’s cool. But like I said, if you if people out there could explain to me why they want to spend so much money on something so simple. If it’s just as simple as, “It makes me happy.” Then that’s cool. Okay, I got my answer. But I’m gonna have to have a lot more people to tell me that. Because just one person Well, it makes me happy. Okay, that’s cool. But like, there’s, there’s got to be an overall all reason that people are doing this. And I think it just falls within the freemium episode of South Park, where the games, and all of these companies have found out what makes people tick, and what people are willing to spend on on these little mobile games.
How much work would it be to create a little mobile game?
I don’t know. But, if you want I mean, if you look at like, like the Trailer Park, did you ever play the Trailer Park Boys have Always Sunny game? No. This those games, dude, they’re called idle games. And really, so you turn on the game. And then you set up your stuff. And then over time, your stuff makes money. And then you use that money to like move forward in the game. But it’s fun for like an hour because things are moving. But then it gets to the point where Oh, no. If you don’t spend money now it’s going to take a whole month for you to go to the next level.
So you get to the next level, and then you find out Oh, no, now it’s you’re gonna have to spend more money it basically you’re spending money to make time advance. And there was this other game I played called Game of War. I don’t know if you’ve seen that game?
I think they show it like a lot. Like when I like when you’re on YouTube, you know, a little game of wars, some like little ships get blown off or?
Yeah, it’s there’s a whole bunch of games that are like it out there. And that that game blows my mind. Because the advertising for it is nothing like what the game actually is. And that’s one thing that is confused me about video games is how they get away with that. Like it’s completely misleading advertising, like in the game of war one, they had Kate Upton on there, and she’s like, lead my armies. And yes, he heaving her breasts around and stuff.
Yeah, they even use Arnold Schwarzenegger for that one, too.
Oh, geez. And then it’s like all this awesome look and stuff. And then you get in there. And it’s just like an isometric view. And there’s not even any actual battle scene in it, it’s just, you send your troops to another city, and then there’s like two seconds of fire and then you lose or you won.
This was the first game like that, that I played, and I spent, I spent a little money on it. I’m not gonna say how much cuz it was less than 100.
Mm Hmm.
But I am super embarrassed about it. Because after I spent the money, and then eventually, essentially all I was doing was buying time. And I couldn’t understand, after I did it, I was like, why did they do that? And then I go in, there’s just people just dumping hundreds and hundreds if not 1000s of dollars into this. And I guess I can see it from a competitive standpoint.
Where it’s a it’s a competition and people are competitive. So if you want to win, you got to spend the money. But, I mean, I don’t I don’t see. Like if I win, if I win a foot race against somebody, I like burn some calories. But like, if I win a battle against somebody over the internet I don’t know, then I just want to battle over the internet against somebody. I don’t know. I don’t know. I don’t know. Is there anybody out there who can explain to me, hopefully a lot of people do so I can understand it more. So I’m not I don’t feel like I just made a whole bunch of people mad over nothing. But I did make a lot more people laugh. And that really, I think was what I was trying to do.
What are your thoughts? After all this, I feel like I have been just rambling for like, 40 minutes now.
There’s nothing wrong with it. It’s just like, because I’ve been playing like this one also, like, like the game, you know, a little mobile game is called Epic Seven. And, and the thing about it, too, it’s like, it’s one of those like, you know, it’s free to play.
But the good thing about for some reason I found this was like, it’s more how to say it’s more friendly user for the free to play people. You know, if you want to, like, gear up your characters with like better armor, or, you know, just because, like, you could do like, adventures. But then there’s also the arena’s. The arenas where you play other other people, you know, it’s like a PvP player versus player.
But I mean, it’s like, every time I try to do one of those, my characters lose, because, you know, I don’t have that Top Gear like they do. Yeah, cuz I don’t, I can’t afford to spend, you know, 600 bucks.
Just to gear up just to like, beat other people. Yeah, yeah. So I understand what you’re talking about? So like, I’ll jump into once in a while, so I’ll join a guild there. And then like, five days later, I log in. It’s like, they kicked me out of the guild.
Yeah, that those that’s those games. I’m sure you got some sort of benefit for playing every day? Like you got some experience or some tokens or coins?
Yeah, exactly.
And then you’re like in Marvel Puzzle Quest, your alliance would get ISO which is used to level up your characters. If everybody in your alliance played everyday, you got more ISO. And so obviously, you want people that are more active. And it’s like you said, though, that one thing that really drew me and kept me in Marvel Puzzle Quest is that you didn’t need to spend a lot of money to keep up. But I think after I took my six month or so break, I felt kind of far behind. And then it just it was it felt more like it got to the point where it felt like work. And then like you said that video that should not should I play Marvel Puzzle Quest, or go out and have fun. There. It This is how bad that I was into this game. I was at the bar here, not like two months ago. And I looked at the watch, my watch and I was like, Oh my gosh, this events ending I need to play the event. So I’m at the bar, playing Marvel Puzzle Quest. And I’m like, this is to me. It was funny. It was so funny to me to be playing a video game at the bar.
And then after I played, and I didn’t do that well, because I was drunk. I was like, why did I do that? Like, I was like, this is something I do on the toilet. Now, why am I doing this at the bar? And yeah, that’s, that’s just I think I’m over it, especially after talking about it for the last 40 minutes. Uh huh. I am over the game. I’m still gonna leave it installed. Because who knows? But maybe one day in the future, I’ll come back. But I really hope there are people out there who at least attempt to explain to me why they play a game that is not complex and is pretty monotonous. Do you have any other words, Juan?
Hey, all I got to say to the audience up there. If you don’t have a life, there’s always mobile games.
No, man. Don’t do that dude, then people aren’t gonna be experiencing life in. You know, it’s already bad we had this pandemic where people are afraid to go outside without a mask on by themselves do Oh, geez, what before I stopped this? Biden. I’m trying to Oh, hi, try not to talk about this guy. I try not to talk about politics, except when we do our news podcasts. But this guy goes, if you had the vaccine, you can go outside and go hiking without a mask.
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