“The Studio” Web Series – A Look at Season 1


A look at some highlights of “The Studio” Web Series by Ban JJ.

Total Series Runtime: 76 minutes, 53 seconds
Average Episode Runtime: About 7 minutes

Synopsis:  Employees at a film studio document their daily lives and turmoil.   Think of “The Office” with a twist of “Always Sunny in Philadelphia”.

(Employees of the Studio: Josh Ska, Lexi, Nathan Gamma, Handsome Filipe, and Angel Guapo)
I’ve included some notes under each episode and overall notes at the end!  I won’t talk about the endings of the episodes.  I don’t want to spoil TOO much!
Enjoy “The Studio”!
***The opening title sequence is 38 seconds long, and you may want to skip it after the first few times.  It stays the same throughout the season***


Episode 101: Cream In the Middle

I honestly think “Cream in the Middle” is my favorite episode, which is hard because it kind of means everything is downhill for me from here!  Jimbo, portrayed by Anthony Burkhalter stole this episode!!
(Jimbo getting a case of Yellow Fever)
If Season 2 comes back, I really hope Jimbo busts out of jail and comes back!  This episode really pulls some hilarity out with Jimbo’s lingering and silence before he delivers some great lines!
(Why of course, Jimbo, I would love some cream in the middle!)
Favorite line:  “So…where is that petite little Asian?”
Rating – 58 out of 69
Episode 102: Cyber Goth
In this episode, Nathan Gamma dates a Cyber Goth lady.  Now, if you know me, I love this cyber goth thing.  The dancing is totally badass!
(Talk about going to get it!)
Unfortunately, I was kind of let down by this episode.  The cyber goth dancing wasn’t up to the energy, and the dance sequence was kind of awkwardly long.  Maybe it just doesn’t look as cool without 20 other people.
(Not sure whey, but this was super hilarious to me!)
Favorite line:  “Where is that music coming from?”
(Notice Handsome Filipe learning the kick – instrumental to the dance)
Rating: 41 out of 69
Episode 103: Scooter
In the intro to this episode, aspiring actor Handsome Filipe has trouble saying “Leonardo DiCaprio.”  I have NO CLUE why, but it is the funniest thing ever!
(You may think you know acting, but you are not Handsome Filipe)
This episode is about Nathan Gamma and how he is with a lady bigger than him.  He is afraid he won’t be accepted because of this.
(This is one of the most bizarre, but funny conversations I’ve ever heard!)
(If I could, I’d have this in my living room framed)
Favorite line: “So did I.” or “Leonardicaprio” Probably “Leonardicaprio”
Rating:  45 out of 69
Episode 104: Roses and Alcohol
Nathan Gamma is at it again!  However, this time he had enlisted the help of the famed The Rose. Below is The Rose’s first commercial, which you can watch so you can see why Nathan Gamma hired him:
(Chodes can view this at https://youtu.be/XSqFiEOxa0U)
This episode has some of the best lines in the series.  I also feel like a lot of people could take a bit away from The Rose’s speech to Nathan Gamma at the end of the episode.
Lexi also does an awesome eye roll that I think every woman does at least 69,000 times in her lifetime.
(Nathan Gamma after the party)
Favorite Line:  “I don’t chase my women like I don’t chase this liquor!”
(There is one other line involving a ring that you also need to hear)
Rating:  54 out of 69
Episode 105: The Mentor
J.P., a former employee of The Studio, stops by for a visit.  My favorite thing about this episode is his ambiguously gay tendency.  If season 2 happens, I feel like J.P. could cause some real trouble for Nathan Gamma or Angel Guapo!
The one thing missed in this episode is the intro.  It lacks luster that a lot of other intros have.  Angel Guapo could have said something about Lexi and her phone that could have killed it before the opening title sequence!
Josh Ska has an anger moment, and I want to see more of that!  I feel like Josh Ska would be scary mad!
(Why is Josh Ska so mad right here?)
This episode introduces some slow motion into the series.  Boy howdy BOOOOOOM!!!

Favorite Line:  “God I just want to hit him so hard on the back of his head!”Rating:  44 out of 69


Episode 106:
The Studio gets yet another IT Guy.  Ryan is quite unpopular because of his beliefs, and because those beliefs smell bad.
(Can Ryan be your #ManCrushMonday? #MCM!)
Favorite Line:  “You guys are worse than a for-profit school.” (you probably have no idea how terrible for-profit schools are!)
(What happened to Lexi’s coffee?!?)
Rating: 50 out of 69


Episode 107: 5 Minute Workout
Please do not ask me how or why, but the first 3 seconds of this episode make me want to eat greasy cheeseburgers so bad!  Angel Guapo could get paid to advertise for the best cheeseburgers around!
Josh Ska takes Angel Guapo under his wing to help him lose weight…with the help of a special supplement.
(Josh Ska’s works out all day…?!?)
The slow motion sequence in this episode was fun!  It makes you feel bad for Angel Guapo and happy for Handsome Filipe!
I don’t want to ruin the second slow motion sequence, but let’s just say something happens that leaves someone in a neck brace and an arm sling!
(Lexi giving you the morale of the story at the end.  Better listen to this one!)
Favorite Line:  “By American standards, I’m in great shape!”
Rating:  53 out of 69
Episode 108: Breaking the “D”
The Studio gets ANOTHER IT Guy!  The Studio has IT Guys like a Porn Studio has women!  Wow! In this episode, Angel Guapo finds out a dirty secret about his new bae.  The new IT Guy tries to fit in unsuccessfully (he love pro wrestling).
(Why is Handsome Filipe hugging Angel Guapo’s bae so intimately!?)
The scene after the opening title sequence felt….long….no pun intended.  There could have been something done rather than us watching them look for something we can’t see.  I don’t know exactly at this moment how it could have been changed, but I feel it just needs a little something else.
(What is bringing Angel Guapo so close to the IT Wrestler?)
There is one scene in which Angel Guapo storms off angrily.  I think it would be great if Angel Guapo gets super human strength when he gets angry.  The Hulk Guapo!
Also, the ending to this episode creeps me out!  Hahaha!
Favorite line: “Brah…I got a 4K H…D monitor at my house!”
Rating:  38 out of 69


Episode 109: Motivation Gone Wrong
Inspired by motivational speaker Johnathan Jones (portrayed by Stu Chaiken), Handsome Filipe decides to throw his own motivational seminar.
(Handsome Filipe looking up to one of his heroes)
Josh Ska’s highlight of the season came in this episode.  His laugh when Handsome Filipe and Angel Guapo have a little argument is priceless!
The highlight of this episode is when Handsome Filipe performs a miracle….to get a beer!
(Handsome Filipe earning his $50)
I also think this episode has my favorite ending!
Favorite line:  “Don’t let anything hold you back….like your shortness.”
Rating:  61 out of 69
Episode 110: Ebola Pockets


The Studio gets yet another new employee.  The boys get a little worried since he is a black guy, portrayed by Hadim Deputy.  Josh Ska doesn’t feel well and believes he has Ebola!
One interesting twist in this episode is the angry soothing out of Nathan Gamma!  Someone took his food and he is MAD!  Does this have something to do with Abby?
(A very upset Nathan Gamma making an inappropriate comment about the car)
The episode is pretty….racist.  It’s funny though.  A lot of people won’t laugh at this, but it’s my kind of humor.  Get that?  It’s funny, not serious.  Jokes are great for the soul, so calm down and laugh a little
(A bit of a twist)
Favorite Line:  “Nah…but hip hop too though.”
Rating:  51 out of 69
Other Notes


1.  As I stated at the beginning, that intro is pretty long.  I felt it was about 30 seconds too long, especially since the show averages about 7 minutes an episode.  Look at Modern Family’s intro.  Simple, sweet.

2.  The audio was all over the place.  ****It is extremely important to hear everything!!!********  However, it works better when it makes sense.  For example, in “Cream in the Middle,” when Jimbo is gawking at the Petite Little Asian.  Nathan Gamma’s mouth is basically in his shoulder, but we hear him much more clearly than Jimbo.  I know the crew didn’t have a boom mic on set, and they did ADR when they could.
3.  I would have liked to see the slow motion be a staple of the show.  Nothing long, but every episode has a built in shot or two for slow motion.  I felt the show did an entertaining job with it without abusing it.
4.  The thing with episodic shows is that it is hard to establish the show in the first season.  A lot of shows don’t really pick up their steam until at least the second season.  Hopefully Season 2 follows through!
5.  A lot more reaction shots would have made the show more interesting.  For example, in “Motivation Gone Wrong” when Handsome Filipe is giving his seminar, he makes comments to Angel Guapo and his new bae.  I would have like to see some reaction shots from the two (the side of Angel Guapo didn’t cut it!)

6.  Testimonials are nice, but a change in location every once in a while wouldn’t hurt.  There are times when testimonials are back to back to back to back though.  Cutting them up a little bit or throwing some b-roll would help that.Remember these are just some of my notes.  As in all film/television/anything creative, everything is subjective, and I know they had close to no budget!  Everything is better when money is involved 🙂

Make sure to like/dislike, share your favorites, and comment on the videos!
Dream Casting:
Nathan Gamma portrayed by Bruno Mars
Handsome Filipe portrayed by Leonardo DiCaprio
Josh Ska portrayed by George Clooney
Angel Guapo portrayed by Steve Carrell
Lexi portrayed by Lacey Chabert
Do you have a web series of know of a web series that you would like me to make some comments on?  Leave it in the comments below or tweet me at @BLoafX and I may take a gander!

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