Prost’s VT-1510 Fluid Head Tripod Attachement for Video

PROST VT-1510 Tripod Action Fluid Drag Head Video Camera

For around $35, you just can’t really go wrong with Prost’s VT-1510 Fluid Head.

I definitely have used better fluid heads, that’s for sure, but this one isn’t taking my wallet and choking the money out of it.


Useful tip

If your video recording device has some sort of auto-stabilization on it, I recommend trying to turn it off if you are getting some jerky movements in the beginning or the end or your pans or tilts. Remember – Practice makes perfect!

I would like to rate it lower because I’ve used much higher quality fluid heads from Manfrotto and have produced better results, but for $35, you can take your 2 star pans and tilts and make them 4 star pans and tilts.

You’d be out of your mind to dock it a lot of points for a not a lot of loss in quality.

Final Prost’s VT-1510 Fluid Head Rating: 60 out of 69

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