Other Fake Quotes of Politicians Some People Think Are Real!

Click on the picture of the TomiHawk missile to see the blog on quotes dedicated to her!
So, maybe you’ve seen my Tomi Lahren Quotes.  It was only natural that I spun off and did some of some other politicians.  So far we have Donald Trump, Bernie Sanders, and of course everyone’s favorite, Kellyanne Conway!
President Trump is Making America Fat Again!
“Trump turned out to be a blessing for America.”  Could you imagine people who believe Bernie said that?
I know these really long quotes aren’t great because most people will see how long they are and decide it’s too much work, whether they love or hate Trump.  I thought this was hilarious and even not too farfetched of something he might actually believe!
I need to spread this one more because I would love to see people think this is real.  Mostly because of the term “Muslamic Nation.”
Do you think Isis in in Antarctica? Good thing our President has a contingency for that!
Here, Trump negotiates that we build Russia’s wall, and Russia builds our wall.  Negotiating master!
Could you imagine saying something against the Founding Fathers / First President, especially about them being inferior to you?  You know Trump thinks that every night!
First off, banning the “Muslamic Nation” will work just like banning drugs.  Second, look at those numbers.  More so, she’s claiming two terrorists can kill more than all American Elite forces COMBINED!
Keep an eye out for more Political Powerhouse “Quotes” on my Twitter @BLoafX) or on Instagram (@BLoafX)!  Or just check back on this blog every once in a while.  Again, if you love to agitate your political friends, give them some of these Tomi Lahren zingers!

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