Pizza Hut Garlic Knots

First off, this commercial is not sponsored by Pizza Hut, believe it or not.
For the last couple months, Pizza Hut has been selling this delicious piece of deliciousness – the Garlic Knot Pizza.  Basically, instead of crust, they line the pizza with Garlic Knots filled with cheese.
So basically it’s a heart attack in the shape of a circle.  But your taste buds don’t care about that!
After seeing that commercial, are you super hungry for some Pizza Hut Garlic Knots?  Click here, and when you get them, tell them @BLoafX sent you and they’ll give you a confused look.  Please record it if you.  I would love to make a compilation video.

For some additional lighting, I took a common table lamp and put a box around it.  To diffuse the light a little bit, I put a paper towel over the front of the light.  Cheap and a little bit effective!

 (This is the cheapest lighting you’ll ever find)
(The paper towel diffuses, duh!)
You should tweet this commercial to @PizzaHut and tell them to hire me for everything else they need commercials for, hahahahahahahaha!!!

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