Pangshi Nikon DSLR Remote

Pangshi Nikon DSLR Remote

I don’t know what to tell you about the Pangshi Nikon DSLR Remote.

You put it in the camera and push the button. Camera takes a picture. Done.

Pangshi Nikon DSLR Remote with Camera

Pangshi Nikon DSLR Remote with Camera

One can half-press to focus.

One can lock button down for long exposures.

Pangshi Nikon DSLR Remote

The Pangshi Nikon DSLR Remote 35.5 Inches long!

It does exactly what it is suppose to do and it does it well.

What Is the Only Thing that Could Change?

The only thing I can say about this is that I’d like it to be wireless, but it’s a wired controller, so I’m stupid for saying that.

Works exactly as described.

Also, it works on my Nikon D7500, which is not listed on their Amazon listing.

Final Pangshi Nikon DSLR Remote Shutter Release Rating: 68 out of 69

Thank you for reading my review of Pangshi MC-DC2 Nikon DSLR Remote for various Nikon Cameras!! Check out some of my other reviews while you are here if you’d like, and don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe!

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