Barley’s Casino and Brewery Co. – Oh! It’s on! With Juan and Sean

Barley’s Casino and Brewery Co. is located in Henderson, NV and is one of the best places on the planet! The food is very delicious. The beer is mighty tasty. The prices (especially during happy hour) are almost unmatched!

The Beer at Barley’s Casino and Brewery Co

You would think the cheap price of beer at Barley’s would mean terrible tasting beer, but this is not the case!

When Sean first started going there, you could get a 20 oz craft beer for $2. His favorite was Black Mountain (which since has been replaced by the inferior Black Knight). Red Rock was delicious as well, but had a higher alcohol content.

Some Red Rock in a 20 oz glass on New Years Eve with complimentary Champagne flutes!

There have been a few happy hours throughout the years, but the current one (before it was forced to closed down by the Nevada Governor, anyways), was half off all drinks. You could get a 32 oz glass of beer for $2.75!

The brewmaster they had when Sean started going there was great. He was friendly, his beer was great, and he was visible to the public. They had four beers on tap, plus a seasonal. After he left, they ended up with some huge menu of beers. This would’ve been great if half the beers weren’t available all the time.

They got rid of that brewmaster eventually and reduced the beer menu a little bit again. It was better as of the football season 2019 (a glass of beer was only $1 during football games, wtf!), but it has never been as good as when Bubba was around.

20 oz. beer from Barley’s Casino and Brewery Co. This is their medium sized beer.

The Food

Barley’s menu has changed a few times in the last few years. Barley’s Cafe has always been pretty decent, but like their beer, it isn’t as good as it once was.

If I am not mistaken, the Pizza and Salad buffet line only has salad now. You use to be able to add it for $3.99, but that price has doubled and the pizza is gone. When they open back up, I’ll update this information!

One of the saddest Barley’s days is when I found out their garlic Parmesan wings were discontinued. Luckily, they brought them back for the 2019 football season, but they weren’t as saucy. You could get wings for $4.99!

The menu changes up every once in a while, which can be a good or a bad thing. I will say the Peanut Butter Sriracha Burger I had there I was EXTREMELY hesitant to try. However, it was a very delicious burger!

Always check to see what the specials are, especially during football season.

What’s Next to Barley’s Casino and Brewery Co?

There is plenty to do next to Barley’s Casino and Brewery Co!

First off, there’s an amazing theater, the Galaxy Theater Luxury+, right next to Barley’s. There’s a Smith’s in the same lot as well.

Right across Sunset Rd is Wildfire Lanes. Go down Sunset Rd a little bit and you’ll find another bar called E-String.

E-String use to have karaoke every night until 4am-ish and open mic nights, but you may want to check them out before you go there for that. In the last couple years, they’ve been a little sporadic in what they were offering.

However, E-String was always a great time and the drinks didn’t leave your wallet dry!

Barley’s Related Videos!

Just how much do I like Barley’s? Well, I made a Facebook Ads demonstration video, and I featured Barley’s in the video!

If you’re looking for tips on video production, make sure to subscribe to my video production YouTube channel!
Here’s the video mentioned in the podcast of Juan at Barley’s Casino and Brewery Co!

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When you go to Barley’s, you need to be ready for an all-nighter and possibly an all day-er! Make sure you have a way to charge your phone during your extended Barley’s stay! We are fans of Anker products and recommend them for your power needs away from home!

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