More Favorite It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia Moments – Oh! It’s on! With Juan and Sean

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“It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia” is one of the greatest shows on the planet, but some people are in such deep denial that they actually think it’s not great! How can one not have many “Always Sunny” moments?

Some of the Always Sunny Moments We Cover

  • Who Got Dee Pregnant
  • High School Reunion Musical Number – Both episodes were good, but boy howdy, that dance number at the end!
  • The Storm of the Century – You know you love this song because of Jackie Denarco!
  • Maureen Ponderosa & To Catch a Murderer
  • Frank and Charlie’s going to sleep routine – this is one of Sean’s favorite moments in any episode. When Charlie is explaining to Dee what she has to do to go to sleep, you’re thinking, “What? There’s no way!” Then, Frank barges in and, in a panic, he does what Charlie says Dee needs to do! So funny!!
  • Who Pooped the Bed
  • The Nightman Cometh – Yep, we talked about this twice, but how can you not???
  • Thundergun – including Frank getting onto the boat!

Drifting off…

Of course, our minds aren’t 100% on our “Always Sunny” favorite moments, so we discuss some other things like stand up comedy and dead cats.


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One of Sean’s favorite comedians is Louis C.K.! We talked about him in the #MeToo epsisode. Sean thinks he’s one of the funniest guys alive, and unfortunately for comedy, his fault or not, #MeToo got him. Check out Hilarious!

Juan can’t ever get enough of Bill Burr. Check him out on Netflix since Amazon carries almost none of his stuff!

If you’re looking for a female comedian, we recommend Whitney Cummings!

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It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia is so great, we talk about about our favorite moments a second time with special guest Zane! Listen to OIO Pod!

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