MeToo Movement Use or Abuse? Oh! It’s on! With Juan and Sean

The MeToo Movement took the world by storm when a certain Hollywood Mogul was taken down hard. MeToo Movement Use or Abuse is a very controversial subject in today’s age!

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MeToo Movement Use or Abuse

It’s a very touchy subject, isn’t it? There seems to be no middle ground, nor can you choose to remain neutral in most situations. It’s kind of like George W. Bush’s “you’re either with us, or against us” line of thinking. It’s hard to choose a side when you can’t be given the cold, hard facts.

Is Friends Everlasting?

The world is weird because – what if – the genders were reversed? There is an episode of Friends that addresses this issue.

Joey Tribbiani had an audition, and he wasn’t going to get the part. His agent (a female) confirmed this, and even told Joey that he needs to sleep with the casting agent.

Are We Adults?

Maybe it’s the wrong way to think, but if an offer is being made between two adults and both parties consent to it, then has any wrong been done?

If the girls didn’t want to do it, they didn’t have to do it. Do you think it’s a short cut? They can move way up the ladder in less than an hour, but they have to give a part of themselves up.

Regardless of the “correct” answer, in today’s day and age, after all the brave women finally came out, there isn’t room to go through with something and complain about it later.

Just watch the movie Bombshell to see an interesting story about a powerful man both using and abusing his power!

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What Are Your Favorite #MeToo Stories?

At Oh! It’s on! With Juan and Sean, we would like to hear your comments on what your favorite #MeToo movement stories are! The Steven Segal stories are wrong and gross, but just picturing Steven Segal doing what he allegedly was accused of is hilarious! Let us know!

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