Newslike #5 – Oh! It’s on! With Juan and Sean

G’yot dang! Newslike #5 was hard to produce without coronavirus or COVID-19 news! It’s near impossible to not mention it, but it is worth mentioning because it is such a huge story. We did find a few non-coronavirus stories though, and we’re joined by Zane, who we expressed great concern for in episode 10!

As a side note, I apologize for having a couple of drinks before we recorded this string of podcasts. This should’ve been just episode 17.5, but I had it recorded as 21. Oops.

Listen or download the podcast from the player above, or checkout the YouTube video below!
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Islamic State Extremists Step Up as Iraq/Syria Grapple with Virus

  • Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi al-Quraishi is the new leader, and these attacks are due to his leadership
  • Attacks have gone up from about one a week to 20 in a month since coronavirus pandemic
  • First suicide bomber in months attacked on first week of Ramadan
  • Most complex attack in years involved a three pronged attack, killing 10 militia fighters
  • In Syria, attacks on citizens, security forces, and oil fields have increased
  • Deputy Prime Minister of the Kurdish Region says attacks of the estimated 3,000 IS fighters will attack Baghdad soon
  • Prisoners are escaping from Syria and fighting in Iraq
  • Islamic State is capitalizing on disputes between the Kurds and Iraqi Government, coalition forces pulling out, attacks on their hideouts in the mountains, and a reduction by 50% of Iraq’s military due to coronoavirus
  • On April 9th in Syria, Sukhna government positions were attacked by IS and the Syrian Government responded with reinforcements and Russian Airstrikes, which led to 26 Syrian and 32 Islamic State deaths
  • Kurdish Forces can’t operate in some Iraqi Government controlled territory, leaving villages insecure

Blue Planet Mars Looks Unrecognizeable In Nasa Image (Video)

  • The Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter took pictures showing Mars under blue tones
  • Sedimentary rock make lighter blues
  • Sand covering the lighter toned breccia or a disorganzed array make darker blues
  • Breccia (/ˈbrɛtʃiə/ or /ˈbrɛʃiə/) is a rock composed of broken fragments of minerals or rock cemented together by a fine-grained matrix[1] that can be similar to or different from the composition of the fragments.

Asante Samuel Thinks Tom Brady Got Fed Up with the Patriot Way

  • Asante Samuel thinks Tom Brady got tired of Belichick’s “no-nonsense, no-fun” approach and “got tired of some inner-circle” things
  • Samuel also thinks Brady wasn’t happy with some player choices Belichick made
  • Brady wasn’t happy about Antonio Brown getting released from the Patriots because of #MeToo stuff
  • Tom Brady is now with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers

18 of the Best Movies That Are Coming to Streaming In May

  • Netflix now has Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, Ace Ventura: Pet Detective, Back to the Future 1 & 2, Jarhead 1, 2, and 3
  • Hulu now has Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, The Graduate, Sands of Iwo Jima
  • Amazon Prime now has Rocketman,
  • The Hustle is on Epix (Epix not mentioned in article)
  • Race for Your Life, Charlie Brown is on Amazon Prime, even though Primes wasn’t mentioned in the article (I checked on Prime)
  • The Curious Case of Benjamin Button is on something not mentioned in the article
  • Goodfellas is on something not mentioned in the article
  • Escape from Alcatraz is on Prime, even though Primes wasn’t mentioned in the article (I checked on Prime)
  • The Conjuring is on something not mentioned in the article
  • Side note – The Art of Self Defense is exclusively on Hulu!

Bolivian Light Plane Crash Kills Six Including Four Spanish Citizens

  • Two crewmembers and four Spanish citizens being transported in a Beechccraft Baron B-55 due to coronavirus
  • Bolivia has closed borders
  • 12 minutes after taking off, the aircraft reported an engine went out and communications was lost

Murder Hornets In the US – The Rush to Stop the Asian GIant Hornet

  • Aledgedly, a queen Asian giant hornet can wipe out a honeybee hive “in a matter of hours” and can be two inches long
  • First sightings of the murder hornet were in Washington
  • Ted McFall, a beekeeper in Washington state, found a bee colony of thousands of bees with their heads ripped off
  • The queen rips off the head, then takes the thorax to their young to feed
  • Their poisonous stinger is long enough to penetrate a beekeeper’s suit and feels like “hot metal driving into the skin”
  • The hornets kill about 50 people a year in Japan
  • Chris Looney, an entomologist from the Washington State Department of Agriculture, says if the Asian giant hornet can’t be wiped out of America in the next couple years, it’ll be here to stay
  • The hornet has “a cartoonishly fierce face featuring teardrop eyes like Spider-Man, orange and black stripes that extend down its body like a tiger, and broad, wispy wings like a small dragonfly”
  • Some also have been found in Canada
  • On Vancouver Island, an entomologist put on sweat pants and covered his wrist and wrists with kevlar to exterminate a discovered Asian giant hornet hive. He received 7 stings.
  • It was named the “murder hornet” because its swarm attacks can give the victim the same amount of toxin as a poisonous snake
  • Their dens could be underground and they can fly up to 20 mph
  • Activity in a nest can get it up to 86 degrees, so thermal tracking can be used to find a den
  • Traps are being set up to catch the hornets. The hornets will be affixed with a radio-frequency tracker. The hornet is big enough to carry them!
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