Newslike #4 – Oh! It’s on! With Juan and Sean

Beijing, Marines, Scarlet Johansson, and more!
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Welcome to Newslike #4!

Newslike #4, as is almost inevitable nowadays, talks a little on the coronavirus and COVID-19. We wish we could talk a little less about the coronavirus, but it’s affecting so much now, it’s hard not to talk about it! The following are the articles discussed in Newslike #4.

Beijing Bans Behaviour

  • Not covering mouth/nose when sneezing is “uncivilised”
  • Laws dictate 1 meter distance markers must be set up in public places and “provide communal chopsticks and serving spoons for shared meals.” ??????
  • No more Beijing Bikinis!!
  • Also raised fines on existing “uncivilised” laws, like defecation in public, by 4x.
  • Serious offences could affect a person’s credit score!

Making Marines

  • Parris Island stopped accepting new recruits on March 30th and accepted again on April 20th.
  • No more fast showers and eating in large groups.
  • Hand to hand combat is later in training.
  • New recruits must sign a form of self-quarantine for 14 days prior to arriving at Parris Island.
  • First two weeks are virtual classes!!!!
  • Drill Instructors must wear masks.
  • Numbers have been cut in half at Parris Island and the Marine Corps Recruit Depot San Diego
  • Retired Marine Corps Colonel Andrew Milburn says, “When you start tinkering with that machine (Boot Camp), it’s very hard for me to imagine you’re going to get the same quality output.”

Boeing Terminates Embraer Deal

  • Why does every news report keep telling us that Boeing had to ground its 737 Max jets?
  • Boeing was going to be 80% of Embraer’s commercial jet business for $4,200,000,000 for access to their regional planes to compete with Airbus.
  • Boeing called off the deal after Embraer failed to meet undeclared conditions on Friday, March 24th. Embraer says that’s false.
  • Embraer basically says Boeing is being dirty and trying to back out because of their own problems.

Biden Wants Bigger Stimulus

  • The picture of Biden at the top of the article….sheesh!
  • What do fig newtons and peanut butter jelly sandwiches have in common?
  • Biden says the next stimulus needs to be “a hell of a lot bigger” than the last $2,000,000,000,000 for public service workers and that the presidential administration is “wasting a hell of a lot of money.”
  • He’s trying to compare the situation for the 2009 Recovery Act to today’s coronavirus induced 2020 CARES Act.
  • Big banks like Wells Fargo are “only alive because of the American taxpayer” and claims big corporations are getting first crack at the money.
  • Says if small businesses don’t get help, they’re “gone.”
  • Not happy that states and local governments are getting federal money.
  • Next stimulus should have $1,000,000,000,000 for infrastructure and “good-paying” environmental jobs.
  • “The only thing that grows the economy back so the deficit doesn’t eat you alive.”
  • Lawrence Summers, an economist, Democrat, and nice to corporations has turned, saying more government is needed to help the grocery clerks who are “risking their lives for eight bucks an hour.”
  • Biden says, “Milton Friedman isn’t running the show anymore.” HAHAHAH!!!!

Scarlett Johansson Second Choice

  • Emily Blunt was originally suppose to play Black Widow, but due to scheduling, Scarlett Johansson was picked.
  • “The best call you can receive is after you are rejected for something and then you get it. You appreciate it more.” – Scarlett Johansson
  • Black Widow has been moved from May 1st to November 6th.
  • She has felt like she should try something else in the film industry.
  • She love Colin Jost because he’s “optimistic, easy going, funny, nice”
  • No word on a wedding date.

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