Movie Loaf: The Discovery

On January 8th, while recovering from a fight at the beach, a big shot movie producer approached me.  He said I had just the right look he was looking for. He needed me to play a former badass who has one of his family members taken by a secret agency.

Wage was SAG maximum for the day, so I said yes. For the next 6 hours we filmed, and the movie will be edited tonight and released nation wide tomorrow. Here are a couple sneak peek screen captures from the movie from the same scene:

(This is where I deliver the line “I will find you.”)
(This is where I look concerned is when I found out the agency has my family member.)

It was a pleasure getting to work with Mr. WhiteTaker, who plays an excellent detective in the movie. Luc Besson has placed all his faith in me, and I hope that faith was well rewarded.

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