WWE Money In the Bank 2018, June 17th, 2018
Slotted for a total of 10 matches through the preshow and Money In the Bank 2018, WWE put on over 4 hours of entertainment for….$9.99! Did you enjoy NXT Takeover Chicago? Check out the post on that event, complete with write up, video, and podcast!
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MITB 2018 Preshow
Generic WWE Preshow stuff, but with a championship match instead of one of their singles matches. The panel consists of Renee Young, Peter Rosenberg, David Otunga, and Booker T.
Charlie Caruso was about to reveal what she heard about which member of the New Day until Kevin Owens appears. He complains about his back and the rest of the male MITB members not listening about teaming up against Braun Strowman.
Is Kevin Owens trying to bribe The New Day?
Daniel Bryan joins the panel from backstage and basically buries Big Cass. He talks about how Big Cass basically sucks in every way. Finally, he misses Talking Smack with Renee Young.
Charlie Caruso interviews Seth Rollins, who appears with a guitar from John Frickin’ Mayer! Rollins builds up Elias, but then says, “He’s not on my level.” Renee Young says she loves Elias! Dean Ambrose probably lost his new beard!
Samoa Joe joins the panel until Kevin Owens shows up with his own microphone. They exchange some words as the crowd chants for Joe. Owens throws his mic down, upset, and leaves.
The Bludgeon Brothers(c) vs The Good Brothers for the Smackdown Tag Team Titles
Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows come out to a decent response from the crowd. There is a surprising amount of people in their seats, considering the show was advertised to start at 7pm EST!
Harper and Rowan enter to less of a reception, but much more intimidating. After the bell rings, Gallows and Rowan exchange some blows. A couple tags are made, but the battle goes outside. The Bludgeon Brothers decimate the Good Brothers before we go to commercial break.
The match returns with Harper and Rowan still in control of the match. Gallows still on the ground outside of the ring. For the next few minutes, Anderson gets busted apart before clocking Harper with a forearm and thorwing Rowan into the corner!
Anderson tags in Gallows and he rallies! He does a BIG pump handle slam to Harper and the crowd gets excited. Unfortuantely The Bludgeon Brothers regain control, hit a tag powerbomb on Gallows, and get the 3 count.
Harper and Rowan retain their titles at the preshow!
Booker T loses his balls talking about how Nia is going to have Ronda for breakfast, even dropping CM Punk’s name!
Match Rating: 41 out of 69 Boners
Big Cass vs Daniel Bryan
Money in the Bank 2018 kicks off with a big surprise! Daniel Bryan comes out at the top of the show! The crowd welcomes him with thunderous “YES!” chants. Big Cass comes out more orange than President Trump covered in tangerine peels to some boos.
The crowd is totally on Bryan’s side as they go back and forth for the first few minutes. Cass eventually gains control, throwing around Bryan in and out of the ring.
Corey Graves says that Big Cass might be stronger than Bryan. What a weirdo.
Big Cass mocks Bryan with a “Yes!” chant of his own! I would say he says “Ass! Ass! Ass!”
Cass gets a little cocky. Of course this is when Bryan regains control. Bryan puts Cass on the ring apron and stands there with Cass’s leg for about 10 seconds before he slams it on the apron. Cass just laid there for some reason (what a weirdo). Bryan then slams Cass’s leg into the ring post!
Bryan reverses a Big Cass slam into a Yes! Lock!! The crowd goes wild! They are saddened when Cass gets to the ropes.
A series of two dropkicks onto Cass from Bryan on the outside of the ring before Bryan jumps OVER the turnbuckle for a splash!
Back in the ring, Cass regains control. He hits a reverse slam from the second rope! The crowd chants “Big Cass Sucks!” and “Asshole!” before Cass gets Bryan in a torture rack! Cass slams Bryan down for a 2 count.
Bryan gets in a set of Yes! Kicks. The crowd almost all in unison for Yes! with Bryan! Cass comes out of nowhere with a BIG BOOT on Bryan for a two count! Cass gets another torture rack in, only for Bryan to reverse with a flying knee! Bryan puts in his heel hook and Big Cass taps! Bryan’s focus on Cass’s left leg pays off.
Daniel Bryan defeats Big Cass at Money In the Bank 2018!
Match Rating: 45 out of 69 Boners
Backstage Promo: New Day and Kevin Owens
New Day are surprised by Kevin Owens, who present them with a garbage full of pancakes and a couple bottles of syrup. They love it!
Kofi says they are a lot of things, which Big E repeats in a very creepy way. New Day is actually accepting KO until he says hates all breakfast foods (except toast) and that Booty O’s suck!
Sami Zayn vs Bobby Lashley
Sami Zayn comes out and rolls around on the ground like a weirdo. The crowd likes it though. Bobby Lashley comes out to some crowd fanfare.
After the bell rings, Zayn runs out of the ring as Graves explains that Zayn will do everything he can to frustrate Lashley. Once Lashley messes up, Zayn will capitalize!
Sami Zayn using all bad guy tactics through the match (in/out of the ring, using rope breaks, trash talking) until Lashley catches a punch WITH HIS HAND and crushes Zayn’s hand before a clothesline! Lashley finally gets some offense in.
Haning Vertical Suplexes, Spine Buster, and another clothesline. Two modified torture racks, followed by a third hanging vertical suplex for the win!
Bobby Lashley defeats Sami Zayn at Money In the Bank 2018!
Match Rating: 39 out of 69 Boners
Seth Rollins(c) vs Elias for the WWE Intercontinental Title
Elias gets the spotlight in the ring with his guitar and plays us a tune. I love Elias because he gets the whole crowd behind him and then turns on them! He calls Chicago scum bags and they even chant, “We are scumbags!” right back to him. Elias refuses to play for them!
Seth Rollins enters and the crowd goes minorly bonkers for the #FightingChampion. The crowd with thunderous “Burn it down!” chants when the match begins. We get a few minutes of the gentlemen exchanging blows and holds.
A turn in the match happens when Elias hits a big clothesline on Rollins, who falls and hits his head on the ring apron! Elias focuses on Rollins neck by slamming his trachea on the ring apron two times! Wowch! Elias gets a 2 count after a DDT, then a 1 count after a knee drop. A knee drop!
Rollins’ neck not doing too well

More work on Rollins’ neck before Rollins comes back with some maneuvers and a sling blade. Suicide Dive by Rollins! A block buster for a two count on Elias. The crowd cheers on Rollins.
Rollins does a top rope springboard. Elias ducks and Rollins’ left knee buckles on landing. Elias hits a knee lift, but it is not enough! The two exchange blows for a few minutes.
Seth Rollins grabs his knee during a pin. Weirdo Michael Cole says it was Elias grabbing his knee!
Very close two count as Rollins goes for a frog splash, but Elias gets his knees up!
Rollins gets in a Superplex + Falcon Arrow combo, but Elias kicks out hard! The crowd cheers on their Architect Hero with “Burn It Down” chants as he prepares for the Curb Stomp. Elias exits the ring, dodges a suicide dive, slams Rollins around the barricade, stairs, and ring post before a top rope elbow drop with a shocked crowd at Elias’s two count!
A series of pinning combination ends with Seth Rollins yanking on the tights of Elias! Rollins, the Cheating Architect, wins the match! Dirty!
Seth Rollins defends his Intercontinental Title against Elias at Money In the Bank 2018!
Match Rating: 42 out of 69 Boners
Women’s Money In the Bank 2018 Ladder Match – Natalya vs. Charlotte vs. Alexa Bliss vs. Becky Lynch vs. Lana vs. Naomi vs. Ember Moon
All the female superstars receive standard responses from the crowd until Alexa Bliss appears. The crowd went nuts for about 6.9 seconds. Of course the WOOOOO’s come out for Charlotte!
Johnathan Coachman did bring up a good question – what happens if you have the MITB briefcase and then you become champion?
The match starts off fast and furious! Bodies fly everywhere as ladders are bashing against many of the competitors!
And OH! First big spot was when Ember Moon jumps off the second rope and cross body’s Sasha Banks onto a ladder!
There are ladders that aren’t big enough to get to the briefcase for some reason.
Natalya gets a good series in on Naomi, who does the splits for some reason when slammed onto a ladder. Naomi is the weirdo of this match so far.
Becky Lynch and Charlotte are fighting over a ladder as the crowd chants big time for Becky! Naomi jumps on the ladder while they hold it and drop kicks Natalya! Naomi gets more offense in on Alexa Bliss and Sasha Banks before all 7 competitors take a break outside of the ring.
As Moon and Naomi fight for a ladder, Lynch runs up it and almost grabs the briefcase! Naomi then does rapid kicks Moon, who just stands there with her arms raised! Moon hip tosses Naomi onto a ladder. Banks hits double knees on a Ladder-Lana-Naomi sandwich!
Sasha Banks hungry for a sandwich during the match

Banks and Charlotte go back and forth in the ring for a while. Charlotte and Natalya stand there and wait for Lynch to push the ladder to drop Banks on them. Becky goes for the ladder and the crowd pops!
All women except Charlotte are on ladders below the briefcase! Natalya Ladder-Bombs Banks as the others fight each other off the ladders. Moon slaps Lana’s thigh TWICE!
Charlotte clears the ladders, but Alexa Bliss counters her! “I don’t care what day it is, it’s my birthday!” Bliss yells at Lana. Lana puts the Accolade on Bliss and goes for the briefcase! Naomi is fidgeting with the briefcase as Becky Lynch hits a suplex on Lana!
Becky heads up the ladder, but only to have Charlotte run up the other side before Bliss pushes the ladder over! Bliss is knocked out! Banks hits a backstabber on Charlotte, before Naomi tosses her out! Lana pulls Naomi off the ladder, but Natalya hits the Electric Chair on Lana as she tries to climb the ladder!
Ember Moon kicks Natalya, but Charlotte spears Moon onto a ladder! Becky hits the “Bexploder” on Charlotte and heads up the ladder! She had it, but saw Alexa Bliss and FROZE! Bliss gets the briefcase!
Alexa Bliss wins the Women’s Money In the Bank Ladder Match!
Match Rating: 44 out of 69 Boners
Backstage Promo
Paige and Kurt are talking about how great “co-branded” PPVs are. Baron Corbin shows up to tell Kurt he better “get it done.” Whatever that means!
Roman Reigns vs Jinder Mahal
Roman isn’t closing the show!
Sunil Singh is in a wheelchair, a neckbrace, and a sling to introduce Jinder Mahal. Roman Reigns gets boos throughout the arena.
The Big Dog exchanges blows with #DontHinderJinder as the crowd chants for CM Punk. “Boring” and “NXT” chants follow!
Roman goes for a drive-by that Mahal dodges. Sunil gets up and pushes Roman into a ring post as Mahal distracts the ref! Mahal in control of the match.
“Rusev Day!”, “This is awful”(?), “Johnny Wrestling!” chants as Mahal and Reigns tussle in the ring. Something happens in the crowd that takes their attention from chanting. Mahal purposely doing chin locks because there are interesting things going on in the crowd and he wants to check it out.
There are more chants. “Delete!” “Let’s go beach ball!”
Mahal gets some offense in…even hits a Gut Buster for a two count! Blood on Jinder’s face!
“Y2J!” chants.
Reigns reverses a Khalaas into a Superman Punch! #DontHinderJinder kicks out! Reigns goes for a spear, but Mahal kicks his face and throws Roman into the ring post!
The two wrastlers go back and forth for a while until Roman leg drops Mahal’s neck across the middle rope! Sunil tries to push Roman again, but Roman stops him! Roman hits Singh with the wind of a Superman Punch and spears him! He then spears Mahal for the 3 count!
Roman Reigns beats Jinder Mahal at Money In the Bank 2018!
Match Rating: 40 out of 69
Carmella(c) vs Asuka for the SmackDown Women’s Title
Asuka arrives with some good fan reception. Carmella, the champion, comes out to a quiet crowd.
The ring announcer, Greg Hamilton, introduces the female competitors, but fails to mention their weights. He must not believe in equality for women.
Carmella doing some decent showboating and taunting of Asuka and lands the first strike! Asuka hip attacks Carmella so hard she knocked an accessory right off Money Mella!
It’s all Asuka offense until Mella slams Asuka into the ring post for a 2 count.
Carmella gets some offense in, and I believe even does a straight up two-handed choke for a second!
Carmella makes the mistake of infuriating Asuka. Asuka beats down Mella for a while until Carmella dodges a cross body, leaving Asuka outside of the ring! A suicide dive!
Some more back and forth until an Asuka look-a-like appears! It’s James Ellsworth!
Asuka turns in to a kick from the Staten Island Princess and goes down for the count!
Carmella retains the Smackdown Women’s Title against Asuka at Money In the Bank 2018!
Match Rating: 44 out of 69
AJ Styles(c) vs Shinsuke Nakamura in a Last Man Standing Match for the WWE Title
Both competitors come out to some crowd love, but why is the supposed #1 championship in pro wrestling the 3rd to last match?
The crowd sounds split down the middle with dueling chants as the match begins. First 10 count after a Phenomenal Forearm only gets to 5, followed by a 2 count.
A few minutes into the match and there have already been a handful of counts to 10. Lots of offense by Nakamura with some Bad Vibrations. Nakamura takes the match out into the crowd! A lot of strikes by both!
Nakamura misses with a low-blow, and hits a phenomenal forearm as Shinsuke attempts a Kinshasa! Nakamura counted to 8, the highest yet of Money In the Bank 2018!
Nakamura getting his rally on

Nakamura suplexes AJ Styles on to an announce table, then runs across all three announce tables to hit a Kinshasa! Styles gets up at 9!
Naukamura introduces a table and the crowd cheers! After some back and forth, Nakamura drops Styles on the SIDE of the table, the launches him THROUGH the table in the corner! Styles isn’t moving at the 5 count, and BARELY gets up at 9! Nakamura can’t believe it!
A turnbuckle is exposed and AJ is placed against it. Nakamura does for a high knee and Styles evades! Nakamura’s knee is HURT! Styles applies the Calf Crusher for a bit, but its not enough! Even after chair shots!
AJ takes another Kinshasa and gets up at a last millisecond 9.999!
Both grapplers are hurting bad, but AJ Styles hits a Styles Clash from the steel steps! COUNT OF 9!!
(That’s not even the correct way to do a 69)
Nakamura goes “COOMMMEEE OOONNNN!!!” and Styles delivers a HARD kick to the weiner of Nakamura! Ref doesn’t count UNTIL AJ DOES A PHENOMENAL FOREARM FROM THE TOP ROPE AND CRUSHES SHINSUKE THROUGH AN ANNOUNCE TABLE WITH IT! Ref counts to 10!
What a victory for AJ Styles!
AJ Styles Out Stands Shinsuke Nakamura to save his WWE Title at Money In the Bank 2018!
Match Rating: 61 out of 69
Nia Jax(c) vs Ronda Rousey for the RAW Women’s Title
Nia Jax came out first (as champ?) to some crowd response. Rousey gets quite a bit from the crowd.
Jax comes out swinging and pummels Rousey! Rousey tries to get an arm bar, but Jax reverses it to a Power Bomb! Rousey is so stunned she just falls out of the ring! Jax chases her down and SLAMS her into the barricade!
Jax is crushing Rousey in a bear hug! Coach says it’s good because now Rousey can recover and gather her senses! During a bear hug? rofl what a weirdo!
Rousey gets an arm bar over the top rope, but breaks at 5. Rousey with a cross body from the top rope. Rousey getting more offense in, even with a weak Rock Bottom.
As Rousey is about to lock in the arm bar, Alexa Bliss appears to attack both of them with the briefcase! Rousey wins by DQ.
Ronda Rousey defeats Nia Jax by Disqualification. Nia Jax retains the Raw’s Women’s Championship at Money in the Bank 2018!
Alexa Bliss cashes in her Money In the Bank 2018 briefcase!
Match Rating: 54 out of 69 Boners
Nia Jax(c) vs Alexa Bliss for the RAW Women’s Championship!
The crowd is going nuts for Alexa Bliss! She beat down Ronda more with the briefcase, and more on Jax!
After the bell, she hits Jax with a DDT and Twisted Bliss for the count to 3!
Alexa Bliss is once again a Women’s Champion! (She can’t be a men’s champion, duh)
Alexa Bliss defeats Nia Jax to obtain the RAW Women’s Championship!
Match Rating: 54 out of 69 Boners
Men’s Money In the Bank 2018 Ladder Match: New Day Member vs Braun Strowman vs Finn Balor vs Rusev vs Kevin Owens vs Bobby Roode vs Samoa Joe vs Miz
The only entrance that mattered, hahaha!
All of the participants get well received ovations from the audience. The member of New Day that will be in Money In the Bank 2018 is……………………..Kofi! He gets a pretty good cheer and the crowd cheers him after the bell as well!
The match starts with everyone teaming on Braun Strowman, but of course he knocks all of them down! Strowman knocks KO down HARD onto the ramp! A minute later, they are chasing Strowman up the ramp and pummeling him then burying him with ladders!
Meanwhile, sneaky Miz is in the ring going for the briefcase until Samoa Joe runs back to stop him! Kofi flies into the ring and takes out Miz and Joe!
There is a series of exchanges between multiple wrestlers in the match. Eventually, KO gets Balor on an announce table and KO climbs a 20 foot ladder! KO runs into the ring to stop Rusev from grabbing the briefcase. More exchanges between the competitors.
The crowd loves Kofi! Kofi does a Jesus Dive onto multiple wrestlers who catch him! Balor follows up with a dive onto all of them to knock them all down!
Kofi Kingston as Jesus

Strowman is back up to fight off Balor, but Joe hits him with a Suicide Dive! More exchanges on the ramp from the participants.
Kevin Owens gets on a large ladder to dive on to Strowman on a table, but Strowman fights off Roode and Joe and gets KO back to the top of the ladder and he THREW KO ON TO SOME TABLES!!
Strowman then runs THROUGH a ladder that two other wrestlers are holding and The Miz pretty much pees his tights!
A bunch of exchanges follow in the ring, including a BIG KICK by Rusev onto Kofi! Rusev goes for a TRIPLE ACCOLADE on Miz, Kofi, and Roode, but is stopped by Joe!
Many more exchanges until Balor knocks Roode down in the ring, and Balor Coup de Graces from that tall ladder from the outside of the ring! They should put a maid outfit on Strowman because he’s always cleaning the ring!
Kofi gets a piggy back ride from Strowman as he climbs the ladder! Strowman throws Kofi off him and grabs the MITB briefcase for the win!
Braun Strowman defeats everyone to grab the briefcase in the Men’s Money In the Bank 2018 Ladder Match!
Match Rating: 57 out of 69!
Final Thoughts on Money In the Bank 2018!
Thanks for checking out my coverage of WWE’s Money In the Bank 2018! If you would like, please check out my coverage of NXT Takeover Chicago. I did a video and a podcast and a review. Please check them out and let me know if you’d like to see more of them!
What was your favorite match of Money In the Bank 2018?
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