Marvel Puzzle Quest Round 2: BLoafX Reviews

****This post is hilarious because as of March 30th, 2018, I’m almost at my 4 year mark!****

Marvel Puzzle Quest Round 2:  BLoafX Reviews

***Update:  On August 3rd, their servers crashed.  About two hours later on the forums, they stated “We are aware of the downed servers.”  The servers were down for over 24 hours.  When I logged back in on August 5th, I received 3 gold recruit tokens.  Whoa.  Looks like they are learning a little bit.***

Before I go into this, just take a look at the ego-blasted smug look of one of Marvel Puzzle Quest’s newest characters, She-Hulk.

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Marvel Puzzle Quest is a very simple, yet intriquing and simple game.  I have spent hours upon hours playing this game.  After a couple months of playing, I created a little review video encouraging people to spend a few bucks on the game.  You can view it here.
It’s now a few months since that video was made, and my opinon on the game has changed very immensely.  Although the game is still fairly fun and addicting, the actions of its creators/publishers have ruined the game for me and many others.
I set out to create a video to counter my one suggesting people to give some money to the game.  It was pretty interesting how the moment I decided to shoot this was at a timethe weather felt like I did about the game!  You can view the video here.

I didn’t hit nearly as many points that I wanted to in the video.  After the hail started, I kind of lost track!  So here is the full list of complaints I have:

1.  No announcements in game.  Clearly, they have the capability to do this with some announcements that they have made, but whenever an update is made, everyone logging in should know about it, not just those who go to the forums.
2.  Nerfing.  Nerfing is when they weaken a character with the intent to make it more fair.  However, is this fair to anyone who spent money on a character that has been nerfed?  I know Spiderman (Classic) was the one that made a lot of people upset.  He is a three star character, meaning that all the upgrades to him costs 1250 HP, which if you were to buy the $20 HP pack, it would cost you $8.70 ….. FOR JUST ONE POWER.  ONE POWER out of THIRTEEN (13) power spots!
This means to make Spiderman max out to full power after receiving one cover, it would take 12 cover packs.  The cost of this buying the $20 packs would be $120 (If you received 3000 HP instead of 2900 HP, it would only cost $100).  If you are rich or overly addicted and bought the $99.99 pack for 20,000 HP, you would pay $75…FOR JUST ONE CHARACTER! 
Not to mention that there are eighteen 3-star characters and four 4-star characters.
Not to mention all of the ISO-8 you need to pump those characters to higher levels.
So, it is pretty understandable for a person to be pretty upset if this character they paid $75 and all of a sudden isn’t even half his worth any more.  D3/Demiurge does nothing to make up changes to people who have spent plenty of good money on these characters.
And yup.  True healing.  Go figure that one out and tell me how that works out.
3.  Customer Service.  I mean, does it even exist at Demiurge or D3?  It did at first.  Like I stated in my first video, they were great at first.  Answers usually within the day.  Now, I’m lucky to hear from them within a week. The pinnacle of trashy customer service occurred in the last weekend of May.   That Friday night, the servers went down and no one could play…for pretty much the whole weekend.  This is capped off by absolutely no response from anyone.  The forums were flooded with complaints.
How would any company just not respond to this?  The servers were down.  Nothing was working.  The new Daken covers were not being passed out.
And how did the developers handle this situation?  They handed out 2,000 ISO-8 and 100 HP.  Essentially nothing. 

Why would anyone give money to the game after this incident?  I can’t think of any incident that I have experienced personally that has been so poor in customer service.  It’s like they were hoping to just ignore the problem and it would go away!

3a. Customer Service Example

It has gotten to the point where I have given up on trying to explain all of my problems to D3.  Recently, they raised the level caps for all of the characters (to raise more money, no doubt).  This caused all of my characters to get knocked out for 24 hours.

You can read that last sentence again.  I didn’t mistype anything.
So I simply took these three screen shots:
(click to enlarge, eh) 

I attached them to an email and stated “Just look at the screen shots” and clicked send.  Their response?  “How many characters were affected?”  Really?  It seemed pretty apparent to my that all of my characters were affected.  I tested out some lower leveled characters to see what would happen, so you can see that the vast range of my characters were affected.

Plus, why is there no concern of the 24 hour death period?
 (Click to enlarge – email from D3 I didn’t bother to respond to, lol)

I still play at least one match a day to keep my daily rewards going and somewhat enjoy the game.  It has a Pokemon “Gotta Catch them All!” feel with collecting the covers.  However, I have greatly reduced the amount of hours I put into the game and I surely won’t be giving any money to any game based under this model ever again (unless it is a one time fee like many games on Steam are).

The game use to be lots of fun.  There use to be many “themed” PVP events, i.e. Females Only, One Star Only.  Not so much anymore.  Now it’s almost the same ‘ol battles every time, just with a different featured character.
And they use the same 3 through 9 day events over and over.  If people are paying on a monthly basis, shouldn’t they be getting some new events every once in a while?  Not to mention their extreme inability to end events at different times.  Either 9:00 A.M. or 9:00 P.M. for me for the PVPs.  This could work out for those of us in North or South America, but for places around the world that end at extremely odd hours, this sets them at a disadvantage.
5.  Player Vs. Player Opponents

It use to be that you would start off fighting low leveled teams and work your way up.  It is now 12:35 A.M. on July 14th, 2014, and I just played my first match in Heavy Metal.  Iron Man 40 (60), Thor (94), and Black Widow (94)…the most predictable team until I get in the top 25 range when I have to start fighting level 160 3-Stars.  There’s no progressing to a higher level – there’s essentially two levels of difficulty.

6.  Black Widow (Original)

True Healing made her a lot less useful.  After everyone started complaining about always having to fighting her, winning a cover for her became very rare (for me, anyways).  After they weakened her, she started appearing just as often as the other characters.  People are still using her just as much.

So we are back to square one.
7.  Bugs and Crashes
I’m speaking from complete ignorance here, but how is this game not seemless?  Why are there bugs?  The layout of the game is a simple one, yet it crashes plenty and has bugs often.  I’ve played a lot of Fallout: New Vegas.  The game has an extremely detailed world with thousands of elements in play.  The game crashes on me every 5-8 hours of game play.
I can completely accept this.  A game that is barely decimals complicated should have no issues, but Marvel Puzzle Quest crashes just about as much as New Vegas does.


If you’re still on the fences, just visit their forums here.  Before you spend any money, I highly encourage you to browse the forums and wait for the company to improve their game and their service.  It almost has only been downhill since I started.  Give the game a go though.  It’s fun.  Just don’t waste your money on it.

And please Flattr me!!

And calm down, I wouldn’t sue someone over such a miniscule issue 🙂  Just caught up in the moment!

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