“Western Stars” Review

So I love a good documentary, and the movie app I use said that Western Stars is a documentary. You’ll see why I was a little upset in my Western Stars Review because it simply was…..


But I will say that this Concert Film – Documentary crossover could have been way more imaginative or creative, as director Thom Zimmy claims it was, ha!

Transcription of Western Stars Review

Sometimes, when I go see a movie and I don’t know of it, I don’t like to look it up because it’s sometimes fun going into a movie blind and seeing what you’re going to get. With Western Stars, I didn’t get as much as I thought I was gonna get but I did enjoy it.

The only thing I knew about Western Stars going into it was the fact that it was a documentary because I saw that in the app and it said documentary I’m like “Oh cool, I’ll go see a documentary.”

I like and really enjoyed documentaries because they’re documentaries.  They’re not movies that people pretend are documentaries. When I got in there,  it turned out it’s not really a documentary.

As the director says at the end, they played a special thing after the credits in the theater, he’s like it’s not quite a documentary, it’s not a concert film, it’s not a documentary, it’s somewhere in between. And that’s exactly what it was.

So I was kind of upset that it was I was told it was a documentary but I really enjoyed it.

Regardless, it was basically Bruce Springsteen “I want to film my recording live performance of this album” and he did it in his barn to a very private audience of what looked like it was like ten people

He had a thirty piece Orchestra in there. it was sounded great, looked great. I mean there’s not really much you can do with this type of style of movie-documentary-concert film thing.  It was basically just shots of them I thought they could have done a little bit more, adding a camera overhead or something.

We got 12 songs. I mean they were all great songs. I enjoyed them all.  I mean there’s not really much to say here. If you hate Bruce Springsteen then you might hate this!

The one big critical thing I do have to say about this is at the end the director Bruce Springsteen directed it with another guy…I forget the guy’s name…(Thom Zimmy).

So in between each performance of each song there was a little voiceover by Bruce Springsteen about his life and his thoughts on things and it like I wish I would have seen Blinded by the Light because I feel like exactly in this movie he speaks to your soul.

So there’s little film clips and stuff between each performance and the director was like “I love this because I got to be creative and stuff with the short films.” Basically, they are in between each performance and I figured it myself you weren’t really like if you were trying to be creative or something you I want to say nice things but you could have done so much better!

You could have made little short films out of all of these little narrations. They did, I mean, technically I guess you did but they weren’t very creative they weren’t very out of the box.  They were very direct and I think it’s wrong to say that you enjoyed the creativity of it if there was not really much creativity in it.

They were great. I mean, it looked at great all the shots of the landscape of Bruce and the horses – lots of horses – but were great, but they just weren’t that creative.

So basically if you love Bruce Springsteen, or you know somebody who loves Bruce Springsteen, or you  know somebody who loves to think deeply about certain things in life, recommend to them or for yourself Western Stars!

I mean, I like I said I had no idea what it was going into it. I enjoyed the music I enjoyed the film.

Overall, I mean, if you like concerts films, if you like concerts, if you like Bruce Springsteen, if you like westerns believe he doesn’t let’s call Western Stars.

But yeah go see this movie buy it on blu-ray! Thanks for tuning in to this episode of Movies Are Dumb Sometimes on Western Star!

If you enjoyed Western Stars, if you hated it, if you loved it, leave it a comments in the below let me, know what you thought so I can expand my horizons.

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