KinPond’s 10ft Type-C Cables

Type-C Charger Cable [2-Pack], KinPond Metal Plug Nylon Braided High Speed Ultra Durable USB-C Charging Cable

You know what really makes me mad about the KinPond’s 10ft Type-C Cables – 2 Pack? UGGGGGHHHH The price of it has gone down since I last purchased it, AND there is a coupon attached to it!

I love really short charging cables (to be on the go with external batteries) and really long charging cables. Yes, I’ve read all people saying they don’t charge as fast, but that has never effected me!

Just look what I can do with KinPond’s 10ft Type-C Cables – 2 Pack

I can lay on my bed and roll around to any position at any spot on the bed and still be connected and charging!
I can change positions on the couch and not have to unplug!

KinPond's 10ft Type-C Cable

KinPond’s 10ft Type-C Cable across the couch. See, with this cable, you can be on EITHER end of the couch!

Do You Enjoy Your Freedom?

Trust me, the freedom of movement is worth it alone. I bought my first set of micro USB 10ft cables over a year ago and wouldn’t dare think of going back to a shorter cable!
I’ve had these two cables for a couple months now and they work just as swell as the day of purchase.

Believe it or not, the lengths get longer. Check out a FIFTEEN FOOT USB Type C cable!

KinPond's 10ft Type-C Cable

KinPond’s 10ft Type-C Cable – Look how many loop-t-loops that cable does!!

Final KinPond 10ft Type-C Cables 2 Pack Rating: 67 out of 69

Thank you for reading my review of KinPond’s 10ft Type-C Cables – 2 Pack!! Check out some of my other reviews while you are here if you’d like, and don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe!

Buy it on Amazon!

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Being a flight attendant – Easily the best job I’ve ever had; however, it isn’t for everyone.  Check out some of my experiences and what it may take to be one.

College – Easily the worst decision I’ve ever made in my life. Completely wasted my G.I. Bill on an obsolete institution.  More specifically, make sure to check out my list of blog posts about my experiences at The Art Institute.

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