Join the Military – A New Years Resolution You Should Fail

It’s that time of year! Many are beginning to work on their New Year Resolutions. Lose weight, start a new hobby, finish that project, the rare, but serious, join the military resolution…

But if that last one is on your list, you should fail that last one for sure.

Without Force, Government Is Nothing

It’s important to remember that government has nothing. What it will get is what it takes from its citizens.

As that one superhero’s uncle once proclaimed, “With great power comes great responsibility.” The bigger the government is, the more power it has, and the more force it needs to wield that power.

Then you must remember that power corrupts. The more powerful the government, the more force it has for corruption to destroy.

The military is the government’s force. Without the military, government doesn’t have the fear-inducing element to usurp obedience from its subjects.

With the surprising move from President Trump to veto the National Defense Authorization Act, or NDAA. The NDAA is worth about $731,600,000,000, and the House Armed Services Committee’s summary of the NDAA talks about dealing with the pandemic and “a heightened social crisis against the backdrop of sustained systemic discrimination.”

Nothing about actual defense of the country until later in the summary.

Hopefully we don’t have to worry about absolute power any time soon.

Look at the American Governments’ Handling of Issues in 2020

Look at all of the problems America has had this year and all of the governments within America. This was one wild year!

Endless miscommunication.
Seemingly thoughtless research.
Lazy journalism.
Governments unable to help their citizens.

One would have hoped that after the Nathan Phillips debacle that people would do research or at least wait a while before making conclusions on news stories. Unfortunately, this was far from the case. Everything that happened over George Floyd allowed so much uninformed hate to flow easily and almost unquestioned. The fear pushed on us and hand-picked information about the coronavirus goes almost unquestioned by a brainwashed populace.

With America being the number one spender in defense by large margins around the world, the chance of any real uprising or secession, or even any talk about it, is close to none.

Yet, even though so much American Government has failed in 2020, there is only more talk of the government obtaining more ability to control people’s lives.

It’s still so shocking that someone in Georgia has an equal say as someone from Kansas in how someone in Alaska can live his/her life.

So, How do You Replace The “Join the Military” Resolution?

Coming out of 2020, The Hawk Bawk believes education is the most important item that needs to be fixed. The ability to critically think and make solid conclusions based on experience, research, and fact checking doesn’t exist in much quantity anymore.

If your reason to join the military is to support or defend the United States, please consider not joining. You can be a lot more effective in building and protecting America by educating yourself and learning to think critically about all of the problems from 2020. Then you can pass along what you learn to others.


I’ve been deployed twice to the Middle East. My first deployment I was in Mosul, and it was pretty crazy there. However, dealing with that everyday, 24 hours a day, was easier than trying to share information or experience to the general public. It’s rare, especially over social media, that is even mildly civil!

So, best of luck to you, no matter which path you take. Just remember – The Chicken Hawks will take full advantage of your willingness to kill and die for them!

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