Good Things to Come from the Coronavirus Pandemic – Oh! It’s on! With Juan and Sean

Believe it or not, some good things have come from the coronavirus! Juan and Sean talk about a few of these things on episode 17 of Oh! It’s on! Podcast!
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The news we’ve had for the last couple months has been horrible, so Juan and Sean thought they should talk about some good things to come from the coronavirus.

Here are some things discussed:

  • Learning how to cook
  • Getting fat
  • Playing video games non-stop
  • Human Race is dying off – showing how we can save the future
  • Is Kim Jong-Un Feeling better better because his train moved?
  • And what is Cyber-Goth?

What Good Things Have Come from the Coronavirus for You?

We’d love to hear what good things have come from the coronavirus for you? Have you discovered a new love or passion? Have you lost an incredible amount of weight? Make sure to contact us any of the ways below!

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