Game of War: Fire Age Memes

I will soon do a video on Game of War: Fire Age.  However, I was talking to SWLibra last night and I made some pretty sweet memes.  If you play the game, you’ll get them.  If not, then they will just be memes you don’t understand.

I use the Meme Generator App from ZomboDroid.  This is probably my favorite app.  I liked/use it so much, I even paid for it! After they added multi-slide memes, I pretty much needed to buy it.  It’s fast and easy, and you can use whatever image you want in it.

Enjoy!  Hope you laugh at least two of them!!

(Two gentlemanly gentlemen talk GOW – one spends a lot of money, one doesn’t)
 (Batman is more Capitalist than we think!)
(This is not one of the developers from Machine Zone, but this is how I imagine they look like)
 (Maybe the clothes are from the vault?)
(I feel like Leo in this Meme)
 (My commentary on their nothing-too-new updates. Heck, even the new dungeons are essentially rip offs from some 80’s computer game)
(When there is no blue wall around your city and it was there last time you logged in)
 (I tried so hard with this one. I like to think I succeeded)
(This is how all non-whales feel at one point or another)

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